Masked Resilience

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In the depths of anguish, a silent plea,
A brave facade, concealing what's underneath.
Behind a smile, a heartache may reside,
A tale of strength, hidden deep inside."I'm okay," you say, with a trembling voice,
A mantra repeated, a personal choice.
To bear the pain, to carry the weight,
A testament to resilience, in a world so great.But behind those words, a story untold,
A battle fought within, a struggle so bold.
Each day, you rise, with a mask in place,
Shielding the world from the tears on your face.Yet, dear friend, remember it's okay,
To let your guard down, to not be okay.
For strength lies not in hiding the pain,
But in embracing vulnerability, breaking the chain.Reach out for support, let your heart be heard,
In the warmth of connection, find solace assured.
For in shared moments of sorrow and strife,
We find healing, and the strength to embrace life.So, as long as you can handle the pain,
Remember, it's okay to say, "I'm not okay," again.
For in your vulnerability, you'll find a way,
To heal, to grow, and to face a brighter day.

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