The Priceless Gift of Love

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In the grand bazaar of life, where treasures abound,
There's one thing that can't be bought, no matter the pound,
You can buy everything, from diamonds to pearls,
But you can't buy love, the most precious in the world.Love is not a commodity, to be traded or sold,
It's a priceless gift, more valuable than gold,
It can't be bought or bartered, it's not for sale,
For love is a journey, not a fairy tale.You can buy comfort, luxury, and wealth,
But love is a treasure that brings true health,
It's a bond, a connection, a shared heartbeat,
A priceless gift, that makes life complete.In the marketplace of life, where transactions are made,
Love stands alone, it never fades,
It's not a product, it's not a thing,
But a melody that makes the heart sing.So, remember, dear friend, in your quest for wealth,
The most precious things can't be bought with stealth,
For love is a gift, that's freely given,
A priceless treasure, that makes life worth living.You can buy everything, but not love's embrace,
For it's a gift of the heart, that time can't erase,
So, cherish the love that comes your way,
For it's a priceless gift, that's here to stay.

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