The Battle Within

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One of the hardest battles, a silent war we wage,
Is between what we know, and what our feelings stage,
A struggle deep within, a tug-of-war of the soul,
In the battlefield of the heart, it takes a toll.What we know is logical, a fact so clear,
Yet what we feel can make it disappear,
Like a cloud that obscures, the sun's radiant light,
Feelings can overshadow, what's clearly in sight.We know what's right, what's logical and true,
Yet our feelings sway us, tinge our view,
They stir a tempest, a whirlwind of emotion,
In the calm sea of knowledge, they cause commotion.The battle is fierce, the struggle is real,
Between what we know, and what we feel,
A dichotomy of the heart, a tug-of-war within,
In the silence of the soul, it begins.And though it's hard, though it may seem dire,
From this battle, wisdom we acquire,
For in the struggle between the heart and the mind,
A balance, a harmony, we find.So, here's to the battles, the ones within,
The struggles of the heart, under the skin,
For in the balance between what we feel and know,
We learn, we grow, we begin to glow.

Whispers of the Soul: A Symphony of VersesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang