Chapter Two

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~Would just like to state that this very loosely follows the events of The Originals. There may be some events in the following chapters that are complete fiction and never occurred in the actual show. this chapter will also be longer than the first.~

I met a man today! He was tall with deep brooding eyes. I thought to approach him but he apparently read my mind.

The car lurched to a stop, pulling Isabella from the book she clutched in her hands. Isabella peered out the window curiously. Surely they had not reached their destination already. Her driver climbed out of the car, slamming the door behind her. Heart racing from fear, Isabella could do little but remain in the car. Perhaps they were merely taking a rest? Those hopes were immediately dashed when the driver yanked her door open, eyes flashing with severe annoyance.

“Get out.” The woman ordered, voice dripping with hatred.

“Where are we?” Isabella inquired, her voice quavering a bit out of fear.

“Get out of the car before I drag you out!”

Isabella flinched at her harsh tone but did as she was told. As she exited the car, her eyes quickly took in her surroundings. She let out a small gasp of dismay. They had stopped at what appeared to be an abandoned bus station.

Her eyes flicked to the driver who was digging around in the trunk, haphazardly tossing her luggage onto the cold ground. There were only two pieces, a backpack and one small rolling suitcase. Isabella had packed only what she felt she would need.

The woman slammed the trunk, turning her attention to Isabella. She reached into her pocket and quickly produced a small black wallet. “Here.” She all but hurled it at Isabella.

She barely managed to take hold of it before it hit the ground. Without so much as a goodbye, the woman climbed into the car. The car roared to life and disappeared into the night.

Isabella was alone. For the first time in her life, she had no one. Her heart felt hollow and empty but she pushed aside the growing sorrow so she could focus on her impending task. Striding over to her luggage, she opened the wallet and examined the contents. Her eyebrows knit in confusion. Inside, was a drivers license. Isabella had never been granted the privilege of driving a vehicle. As she glanced over the laminated card, her eyes fell on the date of her birth. It said she was twenty one. But, that wasn't accurate. She was eighteen. Wasn't she? It was hard to be certain. The Coven hadn't exactly encouraged birthdays.

Isabella let out a sigh as rummaged through the remaining contents. Social security card, birth certificate, everything was there that she needed in order to start a new life. It did not escape her notice that both the birth certificate and drivers license stated she was twenty one but she chose not to dwell on such a trivial detail.

A loud noise caused her to jump, nearly spilling the wallet onto the dirt. Laughter erupted immediately. Her head jerked up and her eyes landed on the flashy car a mere foot away from her.

“Hey! Need a ride?” A dark haired boy called out. The pretty passenger rolled her eyes. She apparently did no approve of stopping to assist a complete stranger.

Isabella hurried to collect her luggage before the kind hearted young man came to his senses. “Thanks.” Isabella said, approaching the car with trepidation. After all, she did not know these people.

She'd just about reached the car when the young man slammed on the gas. The cars wheels spun, pelting Isabella with tiny bits of gravel. She let out a cry as a golf ball sized piece came into contact with her cheek. She dropped her suitcase, hands flying up to protect her face from further damage.

The man and his companion whooped with laughter as the car tore down the road. Isabella was left standing there, covered in dirt with a good sized wound cutting across her cheek.

* * *

Isabella was in awe as she trod down the crowded streets of the French Quarter. Never in her life had she seen just a vast amount of people. Some were dressed in normal clothing, others were dressed in intricately designed costumes.

As she weaved her way through the crowd, she began to pick up bits and pieces of conversation from a group nearby. She inched closer, blending into the throng. She had abandoned the rolling suitcase, managing to stuff what she needed into her backpack. She'd stopped at a cafe and changed from her dirt covered white dress into a dark emerald dress and a white hoodie. She now stood out much less than she had before.

As she approached the group, a sense of dread washed over her. She stopped suddenly. Someone bumped into her from behind, jostling her. The person said some inappropriate words before continuing on their way.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, seeking out the cause of her sudden unease. She'd felt it only once before when the coven had been infiltrated by a vampire.

Her eyes widened in alarm. There were vampires and they apparently were all around her. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by the crowd around her. It felt hard to breathe. Her heart raced, her vision began to blur.

You okay darling?” A man asked, appearing beside her. His hand gripped her elbow.

“I'm very well, thank you.” She responded politely, trying to extract herself from his grip.

His grip tightened as he pulled her closer. “You look like you could use a friend.”

Isabella opened her mouth to respond but out of nowhere a pretty brunette appeared at her side, drawing her into a hug. The man's grip loosened.

“There you are!” The brunette exclaimed, smiling. “Been looking everywhere for you!”

Isabella was too stunned to fashion a reply. She didn't quite understand what was happening. She was nearly positive she wasn't acquainted with the young lady standing at her side. The man glanced at the two before shoving his hands in his pockets and slinking off, disappearing into the crowd. The brunette let out a sigh of relief before turning her deep brown eyes to Isabella.

“You okay?” Her voice was twinged with sincerity and concern.

“I... I'm quite well, thank you.” She tilted her head, staring at the girl curiously, “pardon my frankness but...why did you come to aid?"

The girl laughed. “Why wouldn't I?” Her expression softened as she realized Isabella was serious. “I know what it's like to need a friend.”

“Who are you?” Isabella asked, curious as to the girls identity.

"I'm Hayley,” she smirked. “Hayley Marshall.”

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