Chapter Four

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It was late. Isabella stared up at the ceiling, silently willing her eyes to close. The sun had long since set and yet she still found it impossible to settle. Her mind raced with the information she now possessed about Hayley and the other residents of the house.

Sighing in frustration, Isabella forced herself from the bed. She swept her loose hair from her face, shivering as her feet hit cold wood. She considered soaking in the tub but feared disturbing the others. She was unsure if vampires even required sleep but decided she did not want to chance Rebecca's wrath.

She silently crept towards the door, opening it slowly. Isabella cringed inwardly as the door creaked. While Elijah had assured her of her safety within these walls, Isabella still felt her heart race from fear as she entered the hall and approached the long spiral staircase. As her feet hit the first step, she heard the floorboards creak.

“Well, well, what do we have here?”

She stumbled, taken by surprise at the sudden proximity of the voice. Her ankle gave way beneath her and she desperately grabbed at the railing. Her hands missed their mark. Strong arms suddenly appeared around her waist, preventing her from taking a tumble. She knew who they belonged to even before she looked up. A pair of light blue eyes met hers, lips pulled to the side in an amused half-smile.

“Might want to be more careful, love,” he remarked, chuckling lightly. He released her slowly, his eyes roaming over her as he did.

Her cheeks flamed. “Y... You must be Niklaus,” Isabella stammered, attempting to shake off the fog that had settled over her.

He lifted an eyebrow. “My reputation proceeds me then.”

Isabella was uncertain of how to respond. She was feeling a bit light-headed and she was slowly becoming aware of a dull ache in her feet.

"Are you afraid?” He asked, towering over her. She was trapped. Stairs behind her, a stranger before her.

“Should I be?” She asked, her voice quavering a bit.

The dull ache had now become a fierce throb. She stepped back slightly, desperate to put space between them. Pain shot up her leg. She cried out, as it gave way beneath her. She fell right into Niklaus' waiting arms. She rested there for a brief second, pain temporarily disabling her. He said nothing, simply held her until she finally pulled herself back into a standing position. She was careful not to put any weight back on the twisted ankle.

“Niklaus, I see you have returned.”

Isabella's head jerked up. Elijah stood in the hallway, dressed in an impeccably tailored suit. His eyes shifted between her and his brother, assessing the situation.

“Isabella, are you... Well?” He seemed to choose his words carefully.

“Nothing is wrong, Elijah. I merely twisted my ankle. Had it not been for Niklaus, I fear things would have been much worse.”

She omitted the fact that, technically, Niklaus was at fault for her near death experience. Elijah clearly had trust issues when it came to his brother. She certainly did not wish to cause a rift between the two.

Elijah opened his mouth to speak but Niklaus cut him off. “Brother, your being a white knight is not required at the moment. Feel free to go back to whatever it is you were doing.” There was a hint of animosity in his voice.

Elijah for the most part ignored him, turning his attention towards her. “Do you require assistance?”

She peeked at Niklaus carefully. She noted the way his jaw tensed, his eyes narrowed. As much as she hated to admit it, he intrigued her. He made her feel things she'd never felt before. Besides, he didn't seem dangerous. If he had truly meant her harm he would have acted when they were alone a few minutes before.

“My ankle merely needs a packet of ice to reduce the swelling and pain.” She turned her eyes upon Niklaus, “I am sure Niklaus will be more than enough help in accomplishing that task.”

Elijah hesitated a brief second before nodding slowly and disappearing into a room at the end of the hall. They were alone again.

“Let's go have a look at that ankle then.”

* * *

“They think I don't know about them.”

Isabella glanced up at the sudden comment. “Who?” She adjusted herself as comfortably on the couch as she could. She was careful not to jostle her injured ankle.

He smirked at her, downing a glass of dark liquid. “Elijah and Hayley.”

Isabella lifted her eyes in surprise. Given what she knew about Hayley's condition, things were bound to get awkward now. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed in again. Perhaps it was not her place to speak on the matter.

“Something you would like to share?” He inquired, tilting his head slightly.

“I believe I do not know any of you well enough to comment on such a personal issue.”

He poured two glasses of the dark liquid and approached her. He seated himself next to her, being careful of her ankle and offered her a glass. “For the pain.”

She stared at the offered glass with trepidation. “I am really in only a small amount of pain.” She countered, lifting her eyes to his.

His expression was one of amusement but he did not retract the offer. Sighing, she took the glass and quickly downed the liquid as she had see him do. The liquid burned its way down her throat. Her eyes watered instantly.

“Oh lord, what is this foul drink?” She coughed, shoving the glass back at him.

He laughed. “Its called whiskey, love.” He drank the rest of his, setting both down on the table. “Its really not so bad once you get used to it.”

She pursed her lips, “well, I'll just take your word for it.”

He chuckled again, turning his attention to her ankle. He slowly peeled back the ice pack. His fingers gently caressed her skin, checking for signs of swelling. “Good news. Its not broken.”

Isabella nodded her head, speech escaping her as warmth spread up her calf from his touch. She grew light-headed again, her heart racing. It was harder to breath. She closed her eyes for a brief second, trying to collect herself.

“You never did explain why I had to save you from that speeding car.”

Her eyes snapped open. The moment she had been dreading had arrived. Niklaus wanted an explanation. One she wasn't sure she was ready to give.

Her mouth went dry as she scrambled to think of an excuse. She honestly did not wish to deceive him but actually speaking the truth frightened her. What if they all despised her for not divulging her secrets sooner? Granted, it had only been a day but Hayley and the others had wasted little time in spilling their secrets.

“No explanation is required unless you choose it of course,” he assured her, his eyes filled with sincerity.

"No, it is only fair. I owe you my life twice over.” She smiled nervously, “I just pray you think no less of me afterwards.”

“I have lived a thousand years. Seen atrocities beyond your imagination. There is nothing you could say that would make me think less of you, love.”

She exhaled sharply, opened her mouth and began her tale.

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