Chapter Six

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Isabella was quiet as they threaded their way down the crowded streets. Niklaus rambled on about the rich history of New Orleans. She knew he was simply trying to avoid the awkwardness of silence. Perhaps trying to keep his mind from dwelling on just how close the two had come to...well, to doing something that they both would regret.

“You haven't heard a single word I've said, have you?” He inquired, glancing at her.

She blushed. “I apologize. My mind was... Elsewhere.” She dared not speak of certain events out loud.

Niklaus threw her a sideways glance but remained silent. He came to a stop in front of a building. Isabella glanced up at the sign. Rousseau's. Isabella lifted an eyebrow. An interesting name for what she assumed to be a pub of some kind. Niklaus opened the door waving her inside. As she entered the building, a wave of nausea swept over her. The bar was filled with vampires. She stumbled back, bumping into Niklaus.

He stared down at her, amused by her reaction. “Is there a problem love?”

She turned slightly. “How many vampires are there in this city?!" She whispered, not wanting to draw attention to herself. It didn't work of course. Every head swivelled in her direction. Some even began rising from their seats.

“If anyone dares lay a finger on her, I will rip out the hearts of every vampire in this room. “He growled, stepping protectively in front of her. Isabella stared at him, her jaw slacking a bit.

“Now, now, Klaus. There's no need for such violence.” A male voice spoke from the bar. Niklaus turned to the dark skinned man.

“Marcel, I see you got my invitation.” He motioned towards the other vampires in the room, “though I distinctly remember telling you to come alone.”

Marcel shrugged, “Well, when you said we had witch business to discuss, I thought it best not to come alone.” His eyes fell on Isabella, “this the girl?”

Niklaus nodded. “It is.”

Marcel looked her up and down, “She certainly doesn't look dangerous.”

Niklaus suddenly grew serious, “She is not the one you have to be concerned about.” He turned to Isabella, “would you care to join us, love? or would you prefer staying here?”

Isabella nibbled on her bottom lip, her gaze drifting over the other vampires in the room. They were clearly displeased by her presence. She did not trust them nor did she trust Marcel. Niklaus on the other hand seemed perfectly at ease among them. He and Marcel seemed almost chummy.

“I think I'd prefer to stay here,” her eyes met Marcel's, “I think my presence would be resented by some.”

Marcel chuckled. “She's feisty,” he commented, directing his comment to Niklaus who smiled in return.

“Very well, Izzy. I shouldn't be long.” He turned on his heels, Marcel following closely behind.

Most of the vampires accompanied them as they disappeared into what Isabella assumed was a back room. Some, however, chose to remain behind.

Shivering, Isabella approached the bar. Perhaps the bartender wouldn't be too busy and would be willing to speak with her. As she settled into the somewhat uncomfortable bar stool, the bartender approached her.

“Hi there. It's Isabella right?”

She groaned, “Has Niklaus told everyone about me?”

She laughs. “Technically, Marcel told me.” She held out her hand, “Camille. Though my friends call me Cami.”

Isabella gladly took the woman's hand. “Its a pleasure to meet to you, Cami.”

Cami opened her mouth to speak.

“Marcel should have killed you on the spot.”

Isabella snapped her head around. Something slammed against the side of her head, knocking her to the floor. Blood filled her mouth. Someone grabbed a fistful of her hair, forcing her head back into a very uncomfortable position. She stared into a pair of black eyes, the eyes of a vampire.

“I'm gonna teach your witch-ass a lesson.” He reached his arm back, preparing another punch.

Isabella squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the blow. Someone screamed. The hand holding her head back jerked away, releasing her.

Isabella pulled herself into a sitting position, head throbbing with pain. Blood trickled down the side of her face as she lifted her head, daring to look. She already had a suspicion as to what made the man remove his grip.

Her suspicions were quickly confirmed as her eyes took in the bloody scene before her. The vampire lay crumpled on the floor, Niklaus looming over the body. He held something in his hand. It took a few moments for Isabella to realize what it was. A heart.

Niklaus turned slowly, dropping the bloody clump to the floor. He was covered in blood. His eyes, that was what scared her the most. They were yellow, dark lines veining out across his skin. His eyes slowly faded back to normal as their eyes met.

Cami was beside her suddenly, helping her stand. Isabella remained where she was, staring at Niklaus. From the look on his face, Isabella suspected, he half expected her to run screaming.

Taking a deep breath, she approached him. Grabbing a napkin from the bar, she wiped the remaining blood from his face. She smiled briefly before she felt her body give out.

He pulled her into his arms before she hit the floor. “Let's get you home.”

* * *

The fire roared before her. She stared into the flames, hugging her knees to her chest. Her face was wet with tears.

“You should be resting,” a familiar voice spoke from behind her.

She quickly wiped her face, not wanting him to see her weakness. “I was having difficulty sleeping.”
“Again? This seems to be a common occurrence.”

She could feel him hovering behind her. She felt his fingers on the back of her neck. She couldn't but involuntarily shiver.

“Cold?” He murmured.

“Freezing,” she spoke the truth. Ever since the incident at the bar, she'd felt a cold that should could not shake. Suddenly, she felt a warm body next to her. She knew it was without even looking. She tucked her hair behind her ear, glancing at him. Their eyes met and her mouth went dry.

“I... I suppose you are right. I should try and get some rest. I'm going shopping with Hayley-”

Her sentence was stopped short as he pressed his lips against hers. They were soft like crushed velvet. Arms wrapped around her waist, she felt herself being pulled into Niklaus' lap. He deepened the kiss, hands caressing her back.

She tried to fight it, tried to resist the heat between them, but she was powerless to stop herself. Her arms wound themselves around his powerful neck as she returned his kiss. The moment she did, Niklaus let out a low, feral growl and she found herself flat on her back. His powerful form hovered over hers, eyes glowing once more. His hands reached for her blouse.

Isabella's eyes flew open. She was covered it sweat and the sheet clung to her as she struggled to get up. She sat on the edge of her bed, heart still beating fast. It was dream. It had been delicious and thrilling, but a dream nonetheless. She lifted a hand to her mouth. She could still feel the weight of his mouth, the taste of him. Oh lord.

She flopped backwards on the bed, groaning. Sleep was now the farthest thing from her mind.

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