Chapter Twelve

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Isabella sat in the passenger seat, relatively quiet as the small car wove down the dark streets. There was an awkward silence between her and Cami. She had just picked her from the Mikaelson manor and they were on their way back to her apartment.

"How are you holding up?" Cami finally asked.

Isabella hesitated. She knew Cami was undoubtedly still upset over her uncle's death. To be perfectly honest, she had more of a reason to be upset. She had grown up with the man. Isabella and he had only recently developed a relationship.

"I'm as well as can be expected. I really should be asking how you are doing."

Cami inhaled a shaky breath. "It's hard. First losing Sean and now this..." She saw a tear trail down her cheek.

Isabella laid a hand on hers. "We'll get through a family." Cami smiled.

A few seconds later, Cami screamed as something collided with the side of the car. The sound of crunching metal filled her ears as the car flipped violently. Her head smashed into the passenger side window, shattering the already cracked glass. She remained conscious.

The car flipped once more before finally coming to an abrupt stop as it collided with a massive tree. Isabella groaned, fumbling with the seatbelt. Blood clouded her vision as she hung upside down in the flipped car. She heard Cami moan and a wave of relief overcame her. At least Cami was safe.

The door of the car was violently ripped away. Isabella held her breath, not knowing what to expect. A stranger's face appeared in the gaping hole where the door once was. Isabella was confused. She did not know this person so why were they coming to her aid.

"Marianna says hello." The stranger mumbled, his voice absent emotion. He pulled a knife and viciously jammed it into her chest. She gasped, pain flooding through her as the stranger yanks the knife back. Blood splashed across the window as the precious liquid poured from her body.

She heard a roar and the man was pulled from the opening. Niklaus appeared. His eyes fell to the gaping wound in her chest. He broke the seatbelt and hauled her from the wreckage. She could just barely make out Elijah doing the same to Cami.

He laid her against the grass, biting his wrist. Even as he placed his wrist against her cold lips, Isabella knew it was too late. She could feel the cold head of death wrapping around her heart.

"Niklaus..." She gurgled, choking on her own blood as death claimed her.

Isabella suddenly found herself staring down at her own lifeless body. Niklaus roared in anger. The sound emerging from his lips hurt her ears.

"Daughter." Isabella froze. She knew that voice. She turned slowly and came face to face with the woman she called mother. She gazed at Isabella, sorrow filling her eyes, "I'd hope we wouldn't meet again for many years."

"Am I dead?" Isabella whispered.

The woman glanced down at her body now cradled in Niklaus arms, "Not yet. But it won't be long now."

"Where am I? What is this place?"

"Oh, dearest daughter. We are in a place designed specifically for supernatural creatures," she motioned with her arms. "Welcome to The Other Side."

* * *

They brought hr body back to the manor. According to mommy dearest, the dagger she had stabbed with was magical. It inflicted a wound even vampire blood could not completely cure. The blood would keep her body alive but her mind and soul belonged to The Other Side now.

"There has to be a way back..." Isabella said, watching as Niklaus stood vigil over her. The look on his face was nearly unbearable to see.

Mother laid a hand on her shoulder, "The cure was destroyed long ago. I am sorry, daughter."

"Don't call me that!" She screamed, wrenching herself from her grip, "I know every thing. You were never my mother."

Arabella stood there, staring at her in silence. She took a step back, "You are right of course." She turned to leave, "I'll go."

"Wait!" She called, tears welling in her eyes, "I want to know why."

Arabella let out a heavy sigh, "I wanted the one thing I could never have...a child. I begged the Coven for help but my ailment was beyond even them." She glanced away, shame filling her eyes, "So I came to New Orleans in search of what I wanted."

Isabella turned away, filled with disgust. "Go. Leave me this instant. I never want to see you alone."

"Would you really suffer this eternity alone?"

"Better alone than with you."

Arabella did not respond. An instant later, she felt a cold breeze and knew that the woman had gone. Elijah entered the room, followed by both Cami and Hayley. Both women looked equally frantic and upset.

"Why isn't she waking up?!" Hayley demanded, rushing to her side

Niklaus seemed to have no words for the weeping Hayley? Even Rebekah seemed speechless, hovering in a nearby corner. Niklaus peeled back her bloody shirt. Cami inhaled sharply and Hayley gasped.

"Why isn't her wound healing?" Cami asked, fear and panic splashing across her face.

"I don't know." Niklaus whispered, clutching the glass in his hands.

"Klaus, do something, please!" Hayley pleaded with him. Niklaus looked utterly defeated. Hayley stood, fury rising in her eyes, "You did this! This is your fault!"

"Don't you think I know that?!" He roared, the glass shattering in his grasp.

"I think we all need to take a step back and re- examine the situation."

Niklaus turned his rage upon his brother. "Is THAT what you think we should do, brother?" He grabbed Elijah by his collar, shoving him up against the wall, "She is laying there, possibly dying, and you think we should do nothing?! I bet you wouldn't be so callous if that was Hayley laying there!"

Hayley let out a audible gasp, her eyes widening, "Klaus.."

"This is neither the place or the time for this, Niklaus."

He released Elijah, "oh really? Well I think its bloody time we have this conversation!" His gaze turned to Hayley, "Tell me Hayley, how long have you and Elijah been fooling around behind my back?!"

"Enough!" Isabella screamed. The nearest painting flew from its place on the wall. Everyone fell silent. They all looked at each other, gazes finally settling on Isabella's body.

"You don't think she...?" Cami started, her voice trailing off.

"Whether or not you want it, I am going to help you." Arabella's voice spoke from behind her. Isabella turned slowly, "since you're not technically dead, you can channel our ancestors magic." She motioned towards the fallen painting, "We will get you home."

Exiled (Completed)(Wattys2016)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें