8 - Sequel not edited.

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Sequel update, Ray tells Dave he killed Cyn. Dave goes to jail. Christiana kills hers and Xavier's baby. Ray, Majesty and Xavier are trying to the couple up.

Going back to third POV

I don't know how I feel about this chapter, and maybe I shouldn't have done in this direction anyways, read, comment and vote.


"So about what Kamryn said, let's give it a try" Those words shocked both her and Dave, Kamryn's happiness meant more to her than anyone else's and she found myself like Tara "doing it for the kid"

"Wait, you forreal?" She rolled her eyes at the smirk on his face, she couldn't deny her daughter or her first love and she had to find ways to tell Xavier it was over. She feared his reaction, not because he was someone to be scared of but more so because of what he had done for her and her daughter.

"When are you going to break up with your fiancé?" Dave questioned her, and she shrugged her shoulders, she honestly didn't know how to. "I ain't gone lie, that billboard was nice." Dave joked, as Christiana nodded her head slowly

"It was, not sure whose proposal was better." Christiana smirked, but it was quickly washed away when she realized she was proposed to twice and still wasn't married.

"Mine, the fuck you thought? You love The Little Mermaid." He voiced laced with an attitude, making her bust out laugh

"However, just hear me out okay? I loved that picture of me and him." The scowl on his face kept her amused, getting up from his seat Dave put his phone on the nearest speaker.

"I made this song for you... it's called Perfect." He sat down on the couch beside her resting his head on her lap "This was supposed to be my way of getting you back, but shit you made it easier for me." The smile on Christiana face made him laugh.

"I knew you looked like a SoundCloud rapper, you over
there thanking Chance the rapper everyday for saving your music ain't you?"she played with his chin hair yawning

"First of all, I'm official." He dusted off his shoulders, while Christiana thought about Dave actually pursuing a career in Rap. No doubt he was good and she could tell that by one song but the groupies that would be all over him, made her question it.

After the song ended, another one played "This ones called Keisha, it's some true shit." Nodding her head, she watched Dave rap along to the song, he sounded so sexy when he rapped. His deep raspy voice only made her want to listen to more of his music.

"You dese-"  she stopped mid sentence when she realized the song was about Dave being robbed by some chick. "You were robbed? Good for you, karma on yo ass." She didn't know Keisha but if she ever got to meet her, she might just befriend her.

She got good dick and money. She didn't praise her for being a thief because that just isn't right but she was happy somebody was getting back at Dave. "I'm glad you're safe, you didn't get killed. However, I am not mad at her for that." Closing her eyes, she felt eyes burning into her skin but she chose to ignore it. He'd stop sooner than later.

"I should rob yo ugly ass nigga." He made Christiana chuckle "I don't think that's a good idea, I'm with the FBI and I would hate to have to turn you in. Go from Dave to Davisha." Christiana laughed, her jokes were never funny to anyone but herself and that was okay with her.

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