The Marriage

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"Oh my god, I will invite all of my friends in wedding, I am just so excited" Aashi said laughing loudly, everyone smiled looking at her excitement, I just sat at the corner looking the scene unfolding, everyone looked happy and everyone here was happy except the groom and bride, and It's not like I care or am bothered about the man in question, It's just I don't understand why he has said yes, but again it was his son who was on stake this time.

"I need to take some rest" I announced and stood up, everyone stopped talking and look at me, maybe there was something on my face which make their happy smile disappear and give me that pity eyes I hate most, I ignored it all forcing myself to not think about anything and made my way towards upstairs to the guest room, I didn't realise it before that I was followed by someone none other than Shraddha aunty, she entered the room behind me and closed the door behind us.

"Pranitha" I am tired from the continuous questioning of everyone and Shraddha aunty wasn't an exception in this case, everyone knows here how bothered I am but still keeps asking me same question over and over, the same one she will ask now "Are you okay beta?" No I am not, no I am completely not okay with everything that is going on but I just passed her a smile and nodded.

"I want you to be honest with me" She added sternly and I couldn't help but smile and just nodded.

" I am okay aunty just tired" I said softly to not look rude.

"What do you want for wedding?" And there was the question I so impatiently wanted someone to ask me, I didn't want a single thing they are planning to hell I don't want this marriage on the first place but if someone ask what I want for wedding as how I want this wedding to be I am ready with an answer I didn't dare to say in fear of breaking Aashu's heart.

"A court marriage with just us and no one else" I whispered quietly but It was loud enough for Shraddha Aunty to hear she sighed and sat beside me on bed.

"You will only get married once and We cannot let you....."

"I don't even want it" I spoke it before I could control it "I am agreeing with what everyone want and as we have talked earlier It's not for me to get a husband but it's for Arjun's to get a mother Aunty" I reminded her of her own words in  little tight voice "The only reason I have agreed with it" Shraddha Aunty looked at me for a moment before she left her place beside me and stood back, she made her way to door and stopped with her finger wrapped around the knob.

"I will see what I can do about court marriage thing" and She left...


The marriage was kept on earliest date which was after three days or to be more clear before four days before hearing of Arjun's custody, Everything has happened so fast I thought I had time but now looking at me sitting in same place where my sister was sitting five years back at front of same dressing table I couldn't help but cry on my fate, and on my pathetic life, I wasn't supposed to be anyone's else bride other than Arjun's I wasn't supposed to be here, nothing was supposed to be like this way.

I was supposed to get married to my Arjun 9 months back, we would have returned back from my honeymoon and would have gone for second one already, my sister was supposed to live her dream life with the man she so madly loved that she didn't hesitate to stab her own sister's back, and with the man she have a child, but nothing worked out My Arjun is so far away from me  and it's just so far that even when I tried to go to him I have failed and was unable to, and about Prachi Dii, God knows where she is, God knows what she thought when she has left, God knows what has happened to her undying love after the accident because no matter how badly I want to know I know nothing.

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