Chapter Fifteen

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It's a special chapter because majority of it is based upon Agastya's emotions..

Author's POV...

In middle of night the loud cries of child in crib disturbed the sleep of not only the sleeping woman but also the man who was the first one to open his eyes, Agastya pulled his hand away from her and set them straight by his side as he saw her stirring on top of his chest before she so slowly opened her eyes moaning in annoyance, Her eyes widened when she realised her position and was quick to pull herself away, she look up at his face and found his eyes closed and he was breathing evenly, she thanked her God that she is the one who woke up before otherwise he would have thought that she is trying to get close to him.

"Ritosh, Mumma is coming stop" She unconsciously said and more than her the man beside her was affected by her words, his body stiffened and heart beat rose listening her calling herself mumma of his child, Pranitha herself was still for a moment before she shrugged it off and left her place on bed to take care of the needs of crying baby.

"Why do you sleep early?" she complained booping the nose of her son who looked at her with wide eyes and eagerly sucked the milk out of the bottle she has placed in between his lips, looking at milk her thoughts travelled back to what has occurred few hours before and her hand unconsciously reached for the hands of man lying beside her, She held his hand for a minute before touching his forehead for checking his temprature, she observed his breathing and sighed in relief seeing him all fine.

When her hand reached out and held his Agastya wanted nothing more than to intertwine his finger with her and held her hand like that for a while, but he knew he couldn't because of the fake sleeping act he is putting on, when her hand reached out to check his temprature and when the soft sigh of relief left her mouth his heart skipped a beat, her caring about him even after what has taken place between them in past means lots to him, even last night when she has bought milk for him and has lied that it was his mother who has given it to him he knew she was lying, no way his mother would ever send the milk to him after what has happened last time when he has drunk it, but he did it for her, initially to free her and to free everyone from the burden he is, but he instantly regretted when he saw her crying and worrying for him, and even at the time when he was gasping and struggling to breathe a sadistic part of him enjoyed watching her crying and worrying for him, it was like a soothing balm on the deep wound on his heart engraved by his own self.

After putting the baby back into his crib as he fell back to sleep, Pranitha layed down, her all body parts were aching after the torturous day, It didn't take much time for her heavy eyes to shut close and pull her back into deep slumber, once her breathing turned even Agastya reached out to do what his heart was urging him to do, he held her hand in his, bought it close to his racing heart and placed it there, before turning to her side facing her and taking in the beautiful sight she is.

He stayed like that for a minute before he placed her hands back to her side, he felt guilty for touching her without her permission so he just stared at her for another minute before he once again reached out to hold her hand in his, he wanted nothing more than to take her completely in his arm, let her head rest on top of his heart and sleep, but he also knew even though they are married he still has no right to do so, the woman beside him hates him, he has heard it loud and clear when she has screamed on top of her voice to her late fiance's mother that out of this marriage only Arjun will be getting mother, It wasn't like Agastya was so eager to have her as his wife in all senses but his heart has leaped in joy when he has filled vermillion in her hairline, when priest has declared her his wife, he felt if God has heard his thoughts he never dared to speak aloud, In many sleepless nights when his guilt ate him he has imagined her sharing his bed and laying beside him with her heart in his arm, but another second the guilt of emotionally cheating on his wife climbed it's way up on his chest and he backed off, everytime when Prachi has forced him to join the Video call he couldn't help but stare at her like there is nothing beyond her exists in the world at that one moment, but then again the call was sort, his heart always was left unsatisfied, yearning for more and more of her.

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