Chapter 21

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His belly was extended to the max, the skin stretched taunt to the point where stretch-marks were crisscrossing the sensitive skin. Jack sighed and rubbed over his stomach, cupping it with his hands as if attempting to heave it up.

Of course, he was never going to be able to pull his belly up, but he kept feeling as if his stomach was slipping down further and further.

Sighing, he leaned back in the bed, knowing that if he was caught on his feet, Kaiden would give him a scolding and make sure that Jack never left his sight. Not that he'd be able to go anywhere, especially not with the way he'd only be able to waddle a few feet before he felt exhausted already.

A few nudges and kicks against his ribs made Jack hiss and stretch out, quickly turning on his side to try and get the little one to calm down. Warm hands soothed over his skin, finding the spot where their little one was kicking up a storm before rubbing the bump gently.

"We have a feisty one on our hands, don't we?" Kaiden chuckled, looking on with a warm smile on his face. The pup kicked a few more times against his hands before calming down, seemingly following the motions of his hands before it stilled.

Kaiden's hands slid around and to Jack's back, instantly kneading and molding around his muscles until Jack was a shivering pile of goo under his mate's hands. The boy didn't know how Kaiden knew when his back was acting up, but he was always there for backrubs and massages.

And those magical fingers seemed to find the exact spots that bothered Jack the most, massaging and relaxing the muscles into submission. By the time he was finished, Jack was close to falling asleep, drawing a smile from his wolf's lips.

He smiled back warmly, enjoying the fact that Kaiden decided to lay beside him, cuddling Jack close to his chest. The wolf merely rolled his eyes when they both heard a mild protest from the kitchen, stating that Kaiden needed to help them get ready, but the pair didn't pay Rowan much attention.

Instead, they were more focused on the life they both created, a little pup that as getting ready to join their world. Jack was getting a bit nervous but he'd been getting a lot of reassurances by the pack lately and he knew he was in good hands. 

Still... the concept of a male giving birth was still odd for his mind, even though he could see and clearly feel that it happened. Looking up, Jack smiled tiredly at Chris before looking at the pink little bundle held against the man's chest. Their daughter was growing quickly but as any small child, she needed her sleep.

And where better to sleep than in the loving embrace of her daddy?

Jack smiled as the infant made a small sound of protest when Chris leaned over, showing Lilly's rosy cheeks and the thick black hair that peeped out from under her little hat. "We're ready guys. Judging from how you look, I'd say its best to leave immediately Jack."

Excitement filled his being as Kaiden sat up, gently bringing Jack with him before the wolf promptly lifted his mate in his arms. Ignoring Jack's muttered protest about being too fat to heave around, Kaiden walked outside, holding his mate close while scolding Jack and reassuring him that his weight gain was only normal.

"Here, lemme handle the goods and you can shift." Rowan didn't give Kaiden that much of a choice, heaving Jack out of his mate's arms with a wink. "How're you doing princess?" The man winked again, laughing at Jack's huff before they both chuckled.

"Tired yet excited... and a little bit scared." Jack confessed, to which Rowan nodded, his eyes warm as he stepped back so Kaiden could shift. "That's only normal Jack, and I can guarantee you that Kaiden is one big pile of nerves himself." 

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