Chapter 7

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The wolves that glanced at Jack smiled, some even laughed silently before twisting their heads to the side when the boy shot a glare at them, daring to say anything. Jack quickly shot a glare back at Kaiden, who was swiftly carrying the boy through town and back to his cabin.

Jack pouted slightly and shivered as the wind picked up. The wolf holding him seemed to notice it, his pace quickening as he drew his shoulders up to five Jack some reprieve from the wind. Letting his blue eyes wander over the werewolf's face, he noticed the guilt flashing in Kaiden's eyes as Jack shivered again.

Honestly, Jack didn't blame him at all. After he had laughed so hard that tears leaked over his cheeks, Kaiden had stalked out of the creek. The teen knew instantly that he was in trouble and had started to run away, only to be hauled over a muscular shoulder and plopped right in the middle of the creek.

Kaiden had a good laugh at that, and Jack could honestly say that he squeaked and laughed along with him. But damn, that water was freezing! It was only when Jack pushed himself up that his teeth clashed together with an audible click, pulling Kaiden's attention to the shaking and shivering lad.

Jack knew that the man hadn't meant anything bad with his prank but he probably hadn't realized that even though Kaiden himself didn't seem that bothered with the icy cold water, Jack's reaction was a bit more severe.

He was still human after all.

Some of the pack had gathered to investigate what caused all that commotion and they had all shared pointed looks and wide grins when Kaiden trudged through the water and plucked Jack out of it, swinging the boy right in his arms.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" Jack wondered softly, glancing at the people that watched Kaiden bounce up the stairs and shoulder past the front door. Jack caught a glimpse of the village over Kaiden's shoulder and frowned.

"Why is everyone cheering or grinning suggestively? Did I miss something here?" Jack wondered but his thoughts stopped when his nose crinkled, followed by a loud sneeze. It was followed by another one before sneezing one final time, causing Jack to groan softly as his nose clogged up.

As he blinked, he found himself inside Kaiden's home, where the man set him down on a seat, pulling Jack's soaked clothes off of him and wrapped him up in a soft blanket before Kaiden rushed to light the fireplace.

A soft smile slipped on Jack's face as he burrowed deeper into the silky soft blanket, nearly moaning at the warmth sinking into his skin. His eyes were fixed on Kaiden's back as he threw a few more logs on the growing flames and went about to make sure his home was warm enough.

Meanwhile, Kaiden was mentally kicking himself, his wolf already disgruntled and growling. How could he forget that Jack had a weaker immunity than himself? He hadn't even thought about it before he dunked his mate in the freezing waters, albeit it was just for fun. But still, Jack could grow sick, and judging from the soft sniffs and the way he had to breath through his nose, his mate clearly had managed to catch a cold.

When the fire was roaring in the fireplace, Kaiden turned around and stalked closer to Jack, wrapping the boy in his arms so that his body heat could do the rest. He was happy that Jack sighed and nuzzled deeper into the embrace but that pinch of guilt dug a bit deeper when he felt the freezing tip of the boy's nose pressed against his skin.

"Stop worrying. 'M fine." Jack murmured sleepily, unknowingly teasing the wolf as his breath fluttered over the man's throat. After his whole ordeal of escaping his village, surviving in the forest, being chased by a murderous wolf and now warming up after his sudden dip, Jack was beginning to grow tired.

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