Chapter 3

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Jack didn't like this forest very much. It had already been his second night here and he was slowly freaking out by now. He had heard the haunting howls at night, but no sign of the furry beast that accompanied the song. If he had been safely tucked away in his home, he might've enjoyed their song but now...not so much.

All it did was creating bolts of electricity to dash over his spine while he held his breath and listened. Where they howling to start the hunt or was it simply a howl to let other wolves know how far they could go?

His eyes drooped a bit before he shook his head sharply. Jack couldn't sleep at all last night and that accompanied with the wolves seemingly following his every move pushed him closer and closer to an anxiety attack.

It had been quite a while that Jack had one of those but it wasn't his first. At least before, he had his mother there to guide him through it. Now Jack had to keep the rules in his mind as he took deep and calming breaths, shivering from a sudden cold while he tried desperately to calm his racing heart.

Eventually it worked, his mind drifted off of the wolves and focused more on where he needed to go. And for his own peace of mind, he decided to make a small weapon; in the case that a wolf showed up, he could still fight them off.

Yeah right, no doubt you'll throw your weapon at them and run away. Like when they appeared in the town.

The town...Jack frowned, wondering how the villagers fared. Where they happy that they were finally rid of Jack? Did they think he had commanded the wolves to come after the villagers had burned his house down?

He didn't think he had the ability to do so. Jack glanced at his pale fingers and stretched them before shaking his head. No, he couldn't just call wolves to his side and control them. He wasn't a witch.

After a while, he noticed that the forest was quiet. Not abnormally so but he hadn't seen any critters nearby, besides the occasional robin that darted by. He smiled as one darted past his head with an elegant twirl, singing its song loudly before it landed on a branch. After it hopped a few times from side to side, it started to clean its beak and feathers.

"Huh...I'm freaking out over nothing, as usual." Jack murmured to himself, trying to keep his cool as he walked through the woods. The air was starting to get frigid, warning him that the winter was slowly making its way through the world.

A few hours later, Jack was building a small fire to roast the fish he managed to catch. At least he had something warm in his stomach. If only he had his pot from home, he would've been able to make a nice hot soup that he could carry along without losing daylight and precious time.

When the fish hit the slab of stone, it sizzled sharply and released a pleasant scent. Jack was nearly drooling, his stomach growling hungrily at the thought that he could eat in a few minutes.

Just as he was going to get the fish of the stone, he heard a soft sound to his right and looked up. His initial fright turned into a bit of curiosity and a hint of annoyance as a familiar fluffy head popped out of the bushes.

"How did you...have you been following me?" Jack narrowed his eyes at the pup as it licked its lips and stalked out of the bushes. "No wonder I felt eyes on me. Oh no you don't!"

He was quick enough to scruff the pup and pulled him back, fangs snapping inches away from his fish before Jack pushed the pup away and grabbed his fish. He didn't spent the last few hours staring at the water just for the pup to snatch his dinner away!

"No!" he scolded as the little wolf went for it again. It flattened its ears and whimpered plaintively, staring at the fish with big eyes. Jack shook his head and started eating, tossing the skin, head and tail at the pup when it whimpered again.

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