Chapter 10

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Morning came and Jack blinked tiredly, frowning lightly as he was confused to where he was. Half asleep, the boy merely shrugged and sighed contently as he sank back in the comforting warmth that surrounded him.

Sadly, Jack quickly realized that he wasn't going to fall back asleep as his body slowly started to wake up a bit, his limbs feeling oddly shaky and unhinged. It wasn't until he shuffled with his hips that Jack bit his lip, suppressing the pained hiss that wanted to escape.

His hips and bum were throbbing delicately but when he reached his hand back in an attempt to figure out what caused the burning throb, his hand skimmed over naked skin that wasn't part of his body. Slowly turning around, Jack came face to face with a sleeping Kaiden, mouth slightly opened and his hair a complete mess.

"Oh my...last night- It wasn't a dream then?" Jack flushed furiously as his memories slowly started replaying the events of the previous night. His breath caught in his throat as he remembered how needy he had been, how boldly he had sat on top Kaiden as he-

He buried his face in the covers, feeling his cheeks heat up and his body stir as Kaiden's warm scent crept in his nose. Unconsciously, Jack rubbed his face into the bedding and took a deep breath, enjoying that heavenly, masculine scent that was purely Kaiden.

Peeking up at the wolf, he smiled and leaned closer, pressing himself fully against the gorgeous man. He couldn't stop smiling, wondering how he had gotten so lucky while his stomach was a jumbled mess.

Arms slipped around him and Jack stilled, quickly glancing up before he smiled as his wolf was still deeply asleep. His wolf..."My wolf..." he whispered to himself, smiling widely when the wolf in question purred in his sleep and snuggled closer to the smaller man.

He did have to stifle a laugh when he felt Kaiden nuzzle against his neck before his tongue lapped tiredly against the pink skin. For a moment, Jack felt that he should've been scared when the werewolf holding him grumbled from deep within his chest and caged Jack within his arms but the white haired boy only felt a deep trust, along with something else.

When Kaiden stirred slightly and shifted his hips, Jack flushed a deep red when he felt something poking his stomach. That wasn't what he had been thinking about! If anything, he had been thinking about his feelings, knowing that the relationship between himself and his wolf wasn't accepted at all in the village.

A frown worked on Jack's face. "Nothing was accepted in the village that wasn't according to the rules of the Mayor or the speeches of the priest. I wasn't normal. Mrs. Hills wasn't normal for helping me but that didn't make her a bad person."

He jumped when a finger brushed delicately over his brows, smudging the frown away before Kaiden placed a kiss on the tip of Jack's nose. "Was I that bad?" It took a moment for Jack to process the question before his cheeks burned like never before.

With an embarrassed squeak, he slapped the werewolf on the chest before pressing his face against the abused spot. Kaiden's laughter rang through the room as he rolled on his back, dragging the boy with him while gathered Jack as closely as possible, intertwining their legs and nuzzling the boy's messed up hair.

His wolf was close to the surface and not really helping his not so little problem. Every time Kaiden took a breath, Jack's scent curled up in his nose and the proof of their mating was clear in their combined scent. It was sending Kaiden's wolf in a frenzy, more than eager to repeat the mating again and again so their scents could stay combined.

Burying his nose in Jacks hair, he inhaled deeply and groaned as Jack's fresh scent was accompanied by Kaiden' s own natural scent. He knew he needed to talk to Jack about a few possible options but he didn't know if the teen was interested in those options.

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