Chapter 8

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It was hot. Too hot. All Jack felt was the low simmering heat that coiled through his stomach and pooled in his gut with a soft clenching of his muscles. Jack inhaled deeply and shivered at the smoky scent that tickled his nose.

His eyebrows frowned slightly as his nose twitched, this time a deeper, more appealing scent swirled around him. Jack could faintly remember clinging on Kaiden last night as he slowly succumbed to sleep. So, where was he?

He had to fight to open his eyes and whimpered slightly as the heat in his body flared up even higher when he found himself in a soft bed. The spot beside him was empty but judging from the ruffled sheets, someone had likely slept beside him.

Small beads of sweat rolled down his temples as Jack pushed himself up on wobbling arms. "Am I coming down with something?" He wondered hazily, his eyes wandering through the room.

There wasn't a trace of Kaiden anywhere, and for a brief moment, Jack wondered where the wolf was. Maybe he needed to let his wolf out and run? He winched and let out a muffled groan as the warmth in his stomach grew and started to become unpleasant.

Slipping out of the bed, he slowly shuffled to the nearest door and sighed as he entered the bathroom. He quickly did his business and made a reminded to empty the bowl before he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

He looked flustered, his hair ruffled and sticking to his face as his cheeks had an unusual red flush to them. Even his blue eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual, the fire that charred his insides was burning even in the darkness of his pupils.

It was only when he glanced further down that Jack squeaked and flushed a bright red. His clothes were gone! Before his mind could really start to point fingers, he remembered waking up one point and feeling flushed, so he had toed of his socks and underclothes and haphazardly threw his shirt somewhere down the room before sighing in relief as he settled back in the bed.

Now that he thought about it...didn't he cuddled up to Kaiden at a certain point? Jack felt his face grow even warmer than his stomach before he slapped a hand over his mouth to stop the embarrassed whimper. What was wrong with him?

His eyes landed on the stones to his right and sighed at the smooth bathtub in the center. Quickly looking around, his eyes spotted the bucket discarded to the side before he quickly slipped into a pair of loose pants and rushed to fill the tub.

At this point, even the frigid water of the river seemed appealing but Jack wanted at least some privacy. He needed to find a way to cool off, and fast, before he embarrassed himself even more.

Minutes later, Jack sank down into the cool water and sighed. To him, the icy cool water that was just above freezing point felt a bit cool. He didn't know that the heat was going to lash back for the temporarily relief or that the witch had even thought to leave scented candles behind, the same candles Jack had lit and placed just outside the tub.

All Jack cared about now, was the fact that he could relax a bit and wash the sweat off his cooling body.

Outside, Kaiden was more than annoyed with the witch. He knew that she planned all this, that she had intended to put Jack into heat. The boy might not realize or understand the condition but Kaiden could easily detect the spicy scent waving off of him.

And that's why he had slowly climbed out of bed to prevent his wolf and himself to succumb to temptation. That scent was the reason why he was slowly but surely carving out a path in the dirt by pacing back and forth through the woods.

An amused chuckle bubbled up behind him, causing Kaiden to growl lowly as he glared at Verona over his shoulder. "Feeling flustered?" She managed to say before she laughed out loud, not even trying to hide her glee with Kaiden's situation.

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