Chapter Fourteen

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"We passed!" Jisoo yells from afar as she runs to the three of us. After a year of hard work, we all make it, and I couldn't be happier, seeing the four of us have done a good job. Jisoo hugs her girlfriend tightly, flinging the latter to the air as if she were a five-year-old, but as excited as Rosé is, she doesn't complain about it at, instead she smiles and hugs her back.

After putting her girlfriend down, Jisoo comes to me, patting my shoulder with a proud and big grin on her face. "Lisa! You are the top one unless you don't know it already, idiot!" She exclaims loudly as my eyes widen in shock.

The reason we ask Jisoo to look at the result for all of us, partly because of the crowd, and partly because we are nervous to see the result ourselves even though we are confident that we did well on the exam. But, the fact that I got the top one makes me thrilled to bits.

"Lisa, you make it!" This time, Jennie who smiles the whole time without uttering a word embraces me firmly as if she is afraid that I would go anywhere, or maybe she is too proud of me to even have anything to say besides those words. Either one of them, I love her embrace, and I couldn't whine about that.

I hug her back, giving her all of me, knowing that it might be the last time I could do that to her.

"Lisa, I know your family background. Your hard work and stuff. You are a smart kid, and there is a big opportunity I want to offer it to you. I know you will be the top of our school, and you deserve that the most..."

Two months ago, before the exam, the school principal called me to meet him privately.

"What's it, sir?" I asked politely.

"Harvard." The old man literally shouted at my face before he continued excitedly, "This year, they offer one scholarship for one super clever student in our school."


He raised one hand up to stop me first before I could even talk, "No buts, Lisa. It's a full scholarship. You don't need to pay even a cent to study there. All you need is your luggage full of clothes, and you are ready to go. I also know about your aunt, and I know she will be thrilled to hear about it. Just four years, and you will come back with a degree that helps you to work anywhere you want, or maybe work on your own if you have some resources to open a business and stuff. You will be able to support her back, and I know that's what you want too."

He walked to me, putting her hand on my shoulder, "Think about it, Lisa. I trust you, and I know you will be the diamond of our school." Then, he left without one more word.

"You don't look as excited as we do, Lisa." Jennie points out, a while after I don't give her any response. "Huh? What are you talking about? I am so excited!" I shout, smiling as wide as I can. "I make it! My friends make it! Jennie makes it! How can I not be pleased about it?" I yell as the three of them jumping around in happiness while I try my best not to be too overwhelmed.

I make it. Aunt Dara will be happy, and I know she will push me to pursue my dream in America, and she will be upset if I tell her that I won't go. Besides, she will ask me for the reason. Before Jennie, Harvard is always my dream, but now even though it still is, I am not sure how can I be so selfish as to lose her while running after what I want.

I am in a dilemma now. I wish I had my parents to discuss that too, but bad for me, I don't. If I tell this to my aunt, she will not force me to leave, but she will need to work more because there is no scholarship that offers accommodation, allowance, and everything like Harvard to me.

Sighing, I jump too as Jennie smiles at me, clutching my hand while we do it together. Suddenly, the rain pours down heavily, but we continue to shout and yell in delight.

I smile, the tears of sadness and bitterness suddenly fall on my cheeks. The rain comes as if knowing how I feel. I need to cry.

It's so pathetic to cry sad tears when you get the best opportunity you have ever had in your entire life while some students cry sad tears because they didn't even pass. Anyway, they will mistake my tears for happiness.

"When will I be going if I agree to the offer?" Last month, I went to him again.

"As soon as you get the top one of our school, which I know you will, pack your bags, and everything will be done for you to go."

I stop jumping but hugging Jennie instead, maybe one last time, so I need to pour all of my love in that last precious hug. I love that she doesn't argue and gives me back what I need. "Lisa, we will be studying together at Seoul University. On the first day of school, I will make sure you will agree to be my girlfriend." She pouts cutely as I reply with a smile.

After that, we go to eat something together, take some photos, and create the last memories we have in high school before going home and delivering the news to our individual family.

Jisoo and Rosé have gone home first, for they want Jennie and I to have some time together before we split our ways. Jisoo says that I am weird when I tell her that she will be the most favorite best friend I have ever had in my entire life. Rosé also says I am odd when I ask her to take care of my best friend for me.

Jennie doesn't say anything, instead, she smiles at me all the time. I know what she is thinking and dreaming at the moment. She thinks we will have our freedom in college, and we will be together from now on.

Bad for her, she doesn't know I have already agreed to something that will end us now.

"Jennie, I love you." Before she enters the car, I tell her the last sentence I want her to keep inside her precious and pure heart for the rest of her life.

"I am waiting for you, Lisa." She says as I frown in confusion.

"I am waiting for the day you become my girlfriend, and the girl called 'Yeri' would know and get away from you." She smiles as she kisses me before running inside her car as her chauffeur drives away.

That night, I cry on my aunt's shoulder, telling her about my plan, and she is so happy about it like I have thought. She promises to take of herself and wants me to put all of the efforts into my study.

And, as cruel as I am to both Jennie and my friends, I leave without a word of goodbye.

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