Chapter Forty-Nine

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Last night has been a great time I have ever had in my entire life with Lisa. Till now, I am not sure there is anyone that can replace her no matter how good a person is to me. Lisa is always someone I know I would choose even if she hurts me the most. Then, again she would never hurt me on purpose.

I smile, sliding out of the bed before going to prepare for grocery shopping. I need to buy many things because since Lisa left, I haven't had any things in me to go and shop yet.

Slipping into a pair of baggy jeans with a white top, I look into the mirror and see the genuine smile I have put on my face. Eventually, I have got someone I love so much back, and I am happy to the core.

Satisfied to the core.

When arriving at the coffee shop, I phone Lisa to tell her to come back home early. I am so enthusiastic that I have asked Rosé to come shopping with me, and only do I hope that I can shut up about our last night.

"So, you two did it?" Rosé claims excitedly as she literally yells in our favorite coffee shop. Well, now somebody is going to notice that we are here often, and this time is so unusual of us to be so loud and outlandish.

I smile dreamingly before she grimaces and hits my shoulder lightly, "I take it your nerd is not really a 'nerd' after all."

Then, something reminds me. "She is experienced. Only me is not."

Her eyes widen, "Really? She's done that before."

"Come on, Rosé. It's not like she's trying to keep it for anybody."

She smirks, teasing me even more. "So, you keep it for anyone? For her?"

"Shut up. I just haven't found the right person to do it with. I was not comfortable doing it with Mino. I mean, he's a good person and all, but I just can't, you know."

"Don't pressure yourself. I know how it works. After all, I only gave it to Jisoo too."

Her words struck me.

"Really? You and Jisoo?"

"Yeah, it's not like I don't know how to do it, or I kept it for anybody else. We did it since freshman..."

"What?" This time, I am the one who shouts, causing many eyes to look our way. However, it looks like our girl here doesn't really care about it at all.

"And, you haven't shared until now?"

She throws a cookie into her mouth casually before talking like something that I should understand about her. "I don't want you to be bitter about it."

"You thought I would be bitter because you and Jisoo did it?"

She defends, "Yes, of course. My girlfriend is good at that. Say, if I had told you about that, you would have missed and wondered about what Lisa could do to you."

As she finishes, my cheeks burn in embarrassment. How could this girl that I used to think to be a girl that would have never talked about it turns into this woman?

"Rosé, what makes you like this?"

"As I said, Jisoo-"

"Alright, stop right there. I don't want to know any more of that..."

She smiles teasingly, "Okay, I will stop. I just want you to know that Jisoo is really good..."

God, how I wish I had not told her about Lisa and me.

"Let's go shopping now."

"Why don't we go to Lisa's office first? I want to meet Jisoo too."

I nod as we drive off to Lisa's.

As soon as we arrive, I see Lisa eating lunch with Jisoo beside her. I smile before approaching both of them with my friend following from behind. "Lisa..." I call her softly, my eyes finding her as she glances up, looking at me in shock. "You said you have a surprise for me this evening. Why now?"

"Come on, this is not really a surprise. I just come here because someone wants to meet Jisoo." We both turn to see our friends kissing each other on the cheeks before they look at us. "Thank Jennie for bringing my love here."

"Jisoo, your love brings my love here too. No need to say thanks." Lisa smirks, bringing me next to her. When she looks at me, I see something a little bit off, but maybe she is exhausted or something, so I just stop myself from asking any further.


We spent an hour or two chatting and stuff before Rosé and I go shopping like we planned to. As we pass the clothes shop, she drags me inside after we put all the stuff we bought in the car.

"You need more clothes for what event?" I ask. Usually, she doesn't buy any more clothes than she's already had if there is no special event.

She smirks, "It's not for me, but for you." She points at me than at the piece of clothes she wants me to buy. My mouth gapes at the stuff. "What are you trying to say? I am not gonna wear it."

"I heard you have a surprise for Lisa tonight, right? Wear it, you will know how surprised she would a good way, of course." She whispers, laughing softly.

Omg, who turns my friend from being innocent to be this evil-minded.

I shake my head, "I will cook delicious foods for Lisa, literally all of her favorite food for her and that's my surprise." I state happily, but that just makes her frown.

But when the seller approaches us, I know I can't back off now. Rosé really makes me buy it even if she had to kill me.

"What would you like, ma'am?" A young blonde woman asks politely before she guides us to the place my friend told her a while ago. "This is the new set in our store. It's one of the most ordered ones for women these days."


"It's literally no clothes at all. Why would anyone buy any of this-" Then, Rosé claps my mouth with her hand before smiling in apology. "We'd take that one."

"Give me your credit card, Jennie."

"What? I won't buy it."

She leans down to me a bit before slightly pinching my waist. "Come on, it's for Lisa. I would buy it for you if it's your birthday but remember it's for your wife, you should pay for it. Otherwise, it won't worth it."

I sigh heavily before giving her my card.

Good girl.

I heard her mumbling before we left the store.

"I promise, Jennie. Lisa won't complain tonight."

Oh, how I want to know about what is going on with my dear best friend.

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