Chapter Six

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I walk inside the coffee shop, praying that Jennie would forget about the date she offered, but there's no way she would when I turn to the corner, seeing her grinning from ear to ear while waving at me. I sigh, before giving her a polite smile back, and curse myself mentally for not asking Jisoo to be with me. As if she would agree, though.

Maybe, right now, she's in the middle of her date with Chaeyoung at another place, having too much fun to be bothered by me.

"Jennie." I sit down, not knowing what to do or how to act. Who can when your crush invited you to a café with a so weird and uncomfortable name? Not that she cares, but it really questions me.

She takes her chair and brings it beside me as I curve my brow in question. "What's wrong?" I ask, not being able to endure the closeness anymore. Her scent is intoxicating in a fucking addictive way. I hate it.

Are you sure you hate it?

I hate-

Fine, I love it! I hate that I love her scent and everything about her. I am afraid it might be harder for me to pull back.

"I just want to sit near you. I have some lessons for you to explain." Then, she places a chocolate smoothie on the table, which I haven't seen it a few moments ago.

Maybe, you are too focused on the person than the drink itself.

Shut up!

"Lisa?" Jennie's voice pulls me back as I turn to her, taking the drink and have a sip of it. "Thanks," I mumble while looking at her through my big glasses. They are so annoying sometimes, but I need it.

The sweetness really calms me down and the anxiety I feel right now. Part of it caused by my shyness and another is I am scared that people might judge us. Judge her. That she hangs out with a person like me. It's not that I have low self-esteem or something. It's just that I don't want her to have any argument or stupid things with her friends since I have always heard her friends ask her why she seems to care about me than usual. Yes, I heard it, but I act like I don't.

That's one of the reasons I only talk to Chaeyoung. She's the best out of those rich friends of hers.

"Do you like it? I have a lot of coupons, and we can have them for the whole week," She beams, hopefully. I hope too, but I can't. I have many things to do and a lot of things to think about. "Yeah, I like it. And, no, we can't hang out again."

I instantly regret it when I see her face failing. But, it's better now than later. "I mean, I am busy. So, I can't."

"After school?" She asks hopefully, but when I don't answer, she nods in defeat. "Now, let's continue with this lesson, shall we?" She takes out her book, placing it on the table in front of us. I start to explain to her, having paused many times to gaze at her side profile. She looks calm and beautiful while repeating my words as I try my best to do the same while explaining to her. An hour has passed, and it's time for us to part our ways.

Honestly, I wish I could stay like this forever even if it's just the friendship she gives me. I would take anything I can, but unfortunately, there is nothing for me to take. We are too different to even be friends. I don't think too much, don't blame me for that mindset, but if you put yourself in my shoes, you will know how I feel. I sigh, "Alright, that's all now. Can we go?"

Jennie looks at me under her long eyelashes. They really suit her, though. "Can we stay for thirty more minutes? We just finished-"

"No, we can't. I mean, I can't. I have to go now. It's already five." I look at the window to see Yeri waving at me from afar. Actually, I have told her not to wait for me since I have to meet Jennie, but she insisted to wait for me until I was ready. I promised her one hour after school, and I can't let her wait for more.

Jennie follows my gaze and sees Yeri. Her beautiful smile turns into a frown as she turns back to me, "Is she waiting for you?" She asks, and by looking at her expression, I can tell she has already known the answer, but why does she have to question me anyway?

I nod hesitantly, "Yep. We walk home together after school."

"How about Jisoo? I see you guys go home together almost every day." Another creepy observation that makes my heart beat like crazy. "Yeah, but today I don't want to bother Jisoo since she has a date with Chaeyoung." I haven't told her that Yeri asked me to walk home with her, but at least I don't lie. I just don't want to bother my best friend today.

She puts her book back into her bag before facing me with her smile that doesn't reach her eyes, "Let's go, shall we? She's waiting for you now." I say nothing, and we stand up before walking outside.

Yeri sees us, not surprised to see Jennie since I have already told her about having coffee together, and luckily, she hasn't asked for more information. "Lisa!" Yeri exclaims as she grabs my arm, "Ready?" She asks, ignoring the whole existence of Jennie. I nod before glancing back at the shocked and more serious looking brunette, "Thanks, Jennie for the drink." I hold the plastic glass in front of us. Well, she keeps hers inside the coffee shop, but I take it with me since I haven't finished it yet.

She swallows hard and changes her expression into a smiling and happy one, which makes me confused as hell. "Thanks, Lisa. Today, I had such a great time with you." The next thing she does literally have me pass out here and there. She kisses my left cheek before rushing away like nothing happens.

My hand unconsciously touches my face after that. I can still feel her lips there as I watch her still running back to school, which I know her chauffeur is waiting in front of the school now.

Jennie Kim kissed me.

My crush kissed me, and instead of feeling excited and happy about it, I felt something inside me burn in a bad way. She can't fall for me. Never. 

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