Chapter 27

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Aayansh's P. O. V.

"But sir do you know what happened between Nikhil and Sameera?" I asked him. I know that I shouldn't interfere in their personal matter but I don't have any other option. I am desperate to know the reason.

"I don't know what should I tell you."

"It's okay sir, if you don't want to!"

"No it's not like that. But when your own child does something like that you don't know how to answer people's questions!"

This is not the first time I am seeing Mr. Oberoi upset like this because of Sameera. She always troubles him. Why doesn't she realise how lucky she is to have a father like him. Otherwise there are people like me who don't even have a father and Sameera doesn't even realises her father's importance.

Mr. Oberoi continued saying, "Well I don't know exactly. But, Sameera and Nikhil had a fight about something. And this ended up with Sameera wanting to end their relationship. You know how stubborn she is. She won't listen to anyone and will do all that she wants and expect others to do as she wants. But, Nikhil even after all this is trying to mend their relationship and forgive her."

Okay. That is actually expected of Sameera. But, I also know she won't do something based on stupid fights. There has to be some big reason.

"Why did they fight?" I know this is not my place to ask him. But I just can't control myself. Not when it is about this girl!

"I don't know exactly. But it was something stupid. Something unnecessary. I have seen her fight with Nikhil a lot of time in the past unnecessarily. And Nikhil, being the nice person he is, always handled her tantrums. So, something like that might have had happened again."

It all seems unbelievable. Sameera won't beg me for a job with a mere salary only because someone wouldn't fulfill her tantrums. I know that girl can do anything to trouble others or break others but this is a completely different thing.

"Anyway I am happy that now she has started designing atleast." Mr. Oberoi said.

"But Nikhil isn't happy!" I spoke even before thinking what I said.

"What do you mean?" He had asked.

I told him all that happened in the office between Sameera, Nikhil and me yesterday.

"Oh my god! I had no idea all that happened and Nikhil would do something like that to you. But that man only wants his stubborn wife to stop fighting and come back. Probably, this is the last option he has. It's okay Aayansh if you fire Sameera. I won't mind after all you have a business to run."

I just hummed in response.

We talked for some time after that about just the usual types.

I spent the rest of the day at the Studio doing meetings. It was an exhausting and a boring day. So, I decided to leave early when the other designers go.

When I left the office and was going to get my car from the parking area, I saw Sameera waiting for her cab. so I asked her, "Do you need a lift today as well?"

"No I don't need a lift. Now I have a salary to pay for cab." she answered unintelligently.

"Why do you need salary to be able to pay for a cab? Infact why do you need a cab in the first place?" Even after knowing the answer I asked her. I want her to confess on her own.

"I just want to be independent." she answered. The same old answer.

"Taking lifts doesn't make you independent Mrs. Ahuja." I teased her. Of course. Why will I leave any chance of teasing her.

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