Chapter 17 (Past)

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Sameera's P.O.V.

This went on for a few weeks. Kavya and I became good friends but Aayansh is still the same. Rude! But still we hangout together sometimes. But one thing I have noticed is whenever we are not talking he keeps staring at me. I would think that he likes me but how can the same person who is rude to me can like me.

I now even know that he has a younger brother as well who is in high school and his mother is a professor in a government college.

But one thing which has changed is that I can't keep my feelings for Nikhil to myself. It's too much now. I can't keep staring at him and his pictures. I need to do something about my crush. I will have to confess about my feelings for him. And I have to do it as soon as possible. And I have decided when to do it.

There's a party being thrown by one of my friends Aisha from my fashion institute. I am planning to accompany Nikhil as well and I will propose him in front of everyone.

I texted Nikhil:

Sameera: There's a party being thrown by one of my frnds today. Wanna join? Only if u r free.

Nikhil: I'm always free for u. But I may be late. Text me the venue. I well reach directly.

Sameera: Okay i will b waiting for u!

I texted along with the address.

I got ready and wore my favourite dress and did my makeup taking as much time so that I look perfect. I looked at myself in the mirror satisfied with my look. But my sweet little sister had to take away all my peace by saying,

"There's no use of getting so much ready. He will anyway reject you. Anybody will reject you. I mean how can anyone agree to be your boyfriend. I mean no one can ever bear you."

"Shut up! Not in the mood!"

"So i will speak only when you are in mood? Not happening my sister."

"Leave Kriti!" I ordered her. But of course she is Kriti. She won't ever listen to anything that I say. So I only left wearing a black stilletos to match my outfit.

I reached the venue and the party was already in full swing. I went towards my friends and had a couple of shots with them. I will propose Nikhil today anyhow. I can't keep it with me anymore. I will confess everything today. I don't know how he will react but that's what i don't care about at all. I just want to say him how much I love him.

While I was with my friends I met with a pair of familiar eyes. The eyes I least expected to see again. Lisa.

"Now I guess this definitely is a coincidence." She said while giving me a side hug.

"Yes definitely!" I replied.

I was in no mood to have a conversation with anybody so I excused myself and went to the rest room. While I was in, I got a text from Nikhil:

Nikhil: Reached & can't find u. Where r u?

Sameera: I m in the rest room. Wait 4 me near the bar.

I fixed my makeup as fast as I could and went towards the bar but I couldn't see Nikhil anywhere near.

I searched for him everywhere before I went towards the dance floor. That's when i saw him. Dancing with Lisa.

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