Chapter 54

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Aayansh's P.O.V.

I returned to the party after dropping Sameera at her home.

The conversation between Sameera and Mr. Sehgal seemed odd. They seem to know each other better than I had thought.

Dhruv's father must be really too close to the Oberois, because whatever they talked wasn't just pleasant greetings. It was deeper than that. It was as if they were talking about something that we have no idea about. I had noticed how he was going to say something, but stopped midway.

Now that I am thinking so much, I have come to a realisation that I really don't know much about Sameera. Or maybe this new Sameera. This Sameera 2.0. And I like this version of her so much more than the earlier one. Not like I didn't like her earlier. It's clear how much I liked her with the fact that she had me whipped around her. Maybe that is why it hurt so much.

This new version of Sameera is more considerate, more sweet, more lovely and also more confusing. But at the same time she seems less confident, less amiable, less lively and also less happy.

I want her to be as lively and confident as she was earlier. I want to make her happy like before.

Mr. Sehgal cut the cake and fed a slice to his wife, his son and then Kavya. Kavya wouldn't leave Dhruv's side even for a second and I didn't want to become a third wheel between them, so I let them be.

I talked to some of the people I knew, which were hardly a few. Most of them were advocates and justices or Mr. Sehgal's clients. So, I was standing in one corner having my drink.

"What are you doing here alone Aayansh?" Mr. Sehgal asked me suddenly. I didn't even notice him coming towards me.

"As you can see!" I said showing him my glass.

"Wait let me get one for myself as well." He said before coming back with a glass for himself.

"You had a very nice party. Thank you for inviting us." I said.

"Oh we are going to become families soon. So, how can I not invite you!" He remarked.

I looked towards my sister who was still busy talking with her boyfriend. Are they that serious, that they are planning to get married? Kavya didn't even mention anything like that to me.

"Dgruv hasn't told me anything about marriage," Mr. Sehgal said. Maybe looking at my confusion he felt the need to clarify. "But I can see them wanting to get married soon."

"I would like that." I said honestly. Dhruv seems to be a nice person who would take care of my sister and they are also very much in love. So, why not. "But, I am fine with them wanting to wait and be sure before taking the next step."

"Definitely. Marriage is a big step. Look at Sameera. Only if the girl would have waited and taken the next step after some thought, she could have avoided the heartbreak."

"Her heart was bound to break, for she loved him since forever." I answered.

But maybe my heart wouldn't have broken, if she had chosen me.

"You seem to know Sameera very well!" Mr. Sehgal commented.

Shit! I didn't realise I said that loudly.

"Yeah, she is working under Singhania Studios as a Fashion Designer!" I replied.

"So you know about all of your employees' personal lives?" He asked so genuinely that I missed the mockery in it.

"Umm...I have know her since I was working with Mr. Oberoi. So, I know a little bit about her." I said.

"Makes sense. So are you both friends or something?"

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