Chapter 2

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I came out of the Singhania Studios office and the first thing I did was call Kriti.

"Kriti I got the job!" I spoke with excitement in a loud pitch the moment she picked up the call.

"Congratulations Sam!"

We talked about all that happened in the interview. I even told her about Aayansh and his challenge. She has never met Aayansh but I have told her everything about him that I knew. She has also heard a lot about him from Dad. I can't believe I will be working under him in his office. Time changes everything!

"Don't worry he is a nice man!" She told me.

"You don't even know him. All you know about him is from me, and you are telling me!"

"I know enough to know that he can't change so much to be a bad guy."

"Okay madam!"

Kriti and I decided to go shopping since I don't have any clothes to wear for my new job. Though I don't even have much money but I still need clothes.

I went to my new home. Miss Anna was already there.

"Sameera will you have lunch, I have made for the both of us." She asked me the moment she saw me entering her apartment.

I love Miss Anna's cooking and I can't say no to her food anytime.

"How was the interview Sam?" She asked me while we were having lunch.

"I got the job." I informed her. "But Miss Anna my boss is very strict. He told me if he doesn't think I am good enough for the job after one month, he will remove me. But don't worry Aunty I will pay my rent on time." I told her truthfully and ensured her that I won't use my not having a job as excuse anyday.

"Don't worry Sameera! Work hard. I know you can do this. Just focus on your job and don't take stress on how to pay the rent."

I liked that at least there is someone who trusts me but I can't stop worrying about the rent because whatever she is saying right now, at the end of the month she will be the first person to ask me for money!

I went for shopping in the evening with Kriti and for the first time I was looking at the price tag. I have a budget now and I need to manage my expenses in that manner. Kriti did insist me to let her pay but I am not going to take money from her. Firstly, because if I did Dad would know about it and he will think I can't take care of myself without his help. Secondly, I can't take money from my little sister!

Shopping is my favorite thing to do. I love shopping! I am a girl and doesn't 'love for shopping' come free with being a girl. Today I didn't buy any and everything I liked but I still enjoyed moving between racks of the mall and judging the clothes which I wasn't going to buy. It is also because now I am going to work in a fashion designing company. I should know what's trendy right now.

After shopping we went to watch a movie. I didn't want to but Kriti insisted me to. I came back at nine at night. After dinner I went inside my room and started scrolling through Instagram. I followed all the famous fashion designers and influencers. I already was following many but I guess they weren't enough.

After doing everything, I lied down on my bed. And my thoughts began clouded with him. Instantly my heart sank and tears formed in my eyes. If he would have been with me, I wouldn't have to struggle for a job so much. He wouldn't have had let me go through this. But then I remembered how he broke my heart and crushed it into a million pieces. And soon tears started falling down my cheeks.

No Sameera, stop thinking about the past and start worrying about your future. Tomorrow is the first day of your job. Worry about that. I reminded myself and stopped crying. After sometime I drifted off to sleep.

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