Chapter 48

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Sameera's P.O.V.

"How could you believe it?" I asked him hurt.

It's hard for me to accept the fact that my boyfriend, then boyfriend, just believed a random text over me and didn't even let me explain myself.

"How couldn't I? Give me a reason." He said and leaned on his chair waiting for me to reply.

"You knew me." I gave a pathetic reply.

"Now? Yes I do. Then? I don't think so." He said mocking me.

"You trust a text over me. A random stranger's text?" I asked not believing this!

"There's a picture. A damn picture with it." He snapped. He got up from his chair and came closer to me. "Which you accepted to be of the time when we were dating! Of the same day we broke up!"

"But you didn't let me explain the picture! You didn't, before breaking up with me. And when I came to explain you were gone. You didn't give me even one chance!" I said.

We are finally going over everything that happened that day. I don't know what will be the outcome of this conversation. The least that could happen is I can get my forgiveness and he can get his closure.

But I know this conversation is important.

I have always been the person who gives a lot of damn about what others think about me. And right now Ayan has made this whole characteristics about me which doesn't go with who I am. I am not a cheater!

"A chance?" He chuckled. "A chance for you to explain? So, that you could lie on my face? Make fun of my emotions? Do I look dumb to you?"


"What is there to explain? Huh?" He screamed. "Tell me what is there...."

"I didn't kiss him!" I screamed at him! He stopped and looked at me, contemplating how to react.

"I didn't kiss him. He did. Without asking me. Without my permission." I whispered.

I was expecting him to soften after listening that but instead he chuckled. He then pushed me and slammed me to the wall.

"Okay. Accepted that you didn't kiss him. But it doesn't change the fact that you enjoyed it."

How can he make assumptions like that!

"It doesn't change the fact that you wanted it to happen. It doesn't change the fact that it was your life long wish. Does it?" He continued and asked me.

"It's not true, Ayan!" I answered. Not entirely.

"Stop lying!" He yelled at me.

"Trust me." I requested.

"Trust you!" He chuckled. "Answer me these questions. Honestly. And trust me if you lie I am going snap your head!" He spoke venomously.

This is not the person I know. He literally is frightening me right now.

"Who is the person in the picture?" He asked his first question.

What can I answer to that? How can I say it is Nikhil. The same guy I am running from because he cheated on me.

But what's the point. He surely must have had guessed by now. So, I whispered, "Nikhil."

"Were you in love with him when you proposed me?" He asked in a low voice but I can't miss the anger behind those words.

I felt shameful to even answer that question.

"Answer me." He shouted and punched the wall beside me scaring the shit out of me.

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