Nights & Mornings with Riz

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Warnings: none

You and Riz would always lay facing each other when going to bed. The two of you would talk for a while before going to sleep, holding each other close. You'd talk about anything, how the day had been, your worries, what your plans were for the next day or just talking sweet to each other. "I missed you so much today.. the guys were being so annoying and I just wanted you to come and be with me". You gave him a sweet, lingering kiss on the lips. "I missed you today also". Your eyelids would start to grow heavy as the conversation grew quieter. You'd fall asleep like that together, noses touching, arms holding each other close and your legs tangled together.

Riz and you were definitely morning cuddlers. Neither of you would get out of bed unless you both had a proper cuddle session. Most mornings it was spooning, with you being the little spoon. His arms would be wrapped around your waist holding you close to him. He'd whisper softly in your ear how much he loved your while you played with his fingers. "I love you so much baby.. more than I can ever explain". He left a sweet kiss on the side of your neck. "I love you to Michael.. always and forever".

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