Murder Next Door (Coco Cruz)

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Request: Hi I'm in need of some romantic coco. Perhaps where the reader is celias neighbor and she always helped letty and when coco kills Celia the reader accidentally walks in on him. She helps him and he falls for the reader. And letty trys to be match maker between the reader and coco. If you make this idea into a story that would be amazing! Thanks

Warnings: murder

Being neighbours with Celia wasn't easy. You had just moved to Santo Padre to work for some friends of your family. The only place you could afford at the moment was the apartment next door to Celias. You wanted to be a good neighbour and introduce yourself so you went over and knocked on the door. You were meet with not so nice words and a door in the face by a toxic Celia. Alright this should be interesting living here. Celias daughter Leticia was always nice to you. Greeting you and talking to you when she saw you out and about.

The first time you heard them argue you thought that someone was being murdered so you went over to check if everything was ok. Again you were meet with an angry Celia who said that you should mind your own business.

Over time Letty would come knocking on your door and ask if she could stay in your apartment for a while. You always welcomed her with open arms. The more she stayed, the more she would open up to you. She told you about her father, who she thought her whole life was her brother, and what he was like and what he did. Yes you had heard about the Mayans MC. People told you to stay as far away from them as possible but you honestly weren't scared. If Letty felt safe with them and trusted them so did you. She told you about how he had promised her that as soon as he found something bigger for the two of them she would move in with him. She couldn't wait to get away from her crazy grandmother. You started to love Leticia as your own and wanted to protect her.

Coco had started coming and going a few week ago to check that Leticia was taken care of. He was always nice to you. Greeting you with a warm smile which made your heart melt at how beautiful he was. He would sometimes have a quick conversation with you, asking you how you had been and giving his thanks for taking care of Letty when he wasn't able to. He told you that as soon as he found a bigger place that he would take Letty with him.


Coming home from a long day of work you just wanted to have a glass of wine and relax. Putting on some comfy clothes, you went and grabbed a glass, the wine bottle and some snacks, getting yourself snuggled up on the couch. Flipping through Netflix to watch a movie you decided to watch My Big Fat Greek Weeding.

Halfway through the movie you heard a loud bang coming from next door. Starting to get up to go over and rescue Letty from her crazy grandmother you suddenly heard noises like someone was actually being murdered. You sprinted out and saw that the door was wide open. You walked in, but now everything was quite. Hearing some noises coming from the bathroom you went over and saw Coco standing over the dead body of his mother. You put your hand on his shoulder. "Coco what happend?". He got startled and turned around. His eyes wide when he saw that it was you and tried to shield your eyes from the dead body by standing in front of you. He didn't understand how you had not yet run out and tried to get help, screaming that some psycho just killed someone. "You shouldn't be her.. your shouldn't have to see this.. you shouldn't have to see me like this..". Looking down at the dead body you weren't surprised that it had come to this. You were glad that Celias was gone and that she couldn't hurt Letty anymore, even if that meant that she lost their life. Stepping forward to put your hand on his shoulder again, you looked into his eyes. "I'm here to help Coco".


Coco introduced you to the rest of the MC after that, telling you that him and all of the Mayans would forever be grateful for what you did and that they would help you with everything you needed. They became your family after that and you loved them very much.

He had started to develop feelings for you. Letty knew this and pushed him to ask you out. He always brushed her off, coming up with excuse like that you probably didn't like him back and that he was dangerous. She knew you liked him back and that you wouldn't turn him down.


"Coco come one just ask her already" Letty begged of him. Coco, Letty and the rest of the crew were having breakfast at the clubhouse. "Yeah if you aren't going to ask one of us definitely will" Angel said teasingly. Coco gave him a death glare. "We don't understand what the problem is mano.. you clearly like her.. and she's a beautiful woman". "I know.. don't you think I know that.. she's beautiful, and kind and just awesome.. and I'm honestly in love with her. Which is why I'm not going to ask her.. I don't want to drag her down the dark path that is the MC". The rest of the guys laughed. "Coco she helped you with Celias dead body.. she is definitely all in. If she didn't run away then she definitely won't run away anytime soon" Ez said to him. "Just ask her Coco please" Letty pleaded.


That night of the Mayans party he decided that he was going to ask you. As soon as you got to the clubhouse he grabbed you to go to a more private area, not even letting you great the other guys. It was now or never. "Coco what is happening? What's the rush?" you asked as he pulled you by the arm. "I need to talk to you mami".

Pulling you into an empty room his nerves started getting to him. Was this really a good idea? What if you didn't feel the same way and that he would ruin the friendship he had with you. "Coco tell me what's going on..". Fuck it, here goes nothing. He let out a deep breath. "Look I like you.. like really, really like you.. and I was thinking if you wanted to be with me like romantically? I'm crazy about you and I can't stop thinking about you.. and.. fuck.. I'm in love with you mami.. like deeply, madly in love with you". You didn't move a muscle. He started to panic.. oh fuck you didn't feel the same way.

You surprised him when you crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck, holding him to you. His arms wrapping around your waist, holding you even closer. "I'm crazy, madly in love with you Coco as well" you whispered in his ear. Letting you go so that he could look into your eyes, his hand coming to rest on your cheek. He leaned down to give you a sweet kiss on your lips. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair to hold him to you. His resting on your hips, pulling you tightly to him. Breaking away from the kiss, you leaned your forehead agains his, looking into his eyes. "That made me so happy to hear mami". He smiled that big warm smile that made your inside turn into jelly. "Now let's go out there so that I can show everyone that you are my girl now". Taking his hand in yours, you gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's do it".

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