Cold Confessions (Angel Reyes)

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Request: Okay okay, I will stop now but I felt bad requesting only Ezekiel so I'm throwing an Angel one into the mix. Here, have an AU prompt! "The fucking car got stuck in snow! we've been waiting for firefighters to come but you're so cold and i'm afraid please let me hold your hands and hug you to warm you up" au

Warnings: none
"Where the fuck are they? We've been waiting over an hour now". You guys were on your way home from a little ski trip with some of the boys. The weather report said that today was not a good idea to travel home because there was going to be a lot of snow. But the guys didn't care as they had enough of snow and just wanted to go home.

"Angel calm down.. they will be here soon I'm sure". You pulled the blanket that was wrapped around you closer. Everyone in the big car sitting a little closer to each other to preserve the heat as the car was completely dead. You, Angel, Gilly sitting together at the back of the 8 seat car. "Angel they'll be here soon, at least we have each other to get warm and not be alone" Bishop said trying to reassure him.

"The car got stuck in snow! How am I meant to stay calm! And you are freezing Y/N". "Angel I'm fine.. I will survive". "No you are not.. we've been waiting for firefighters to come but your so cold and I'm afraid please let me hold your hands and hug you to warm you up.. please".

You and Angel had been nothing but friends this entire time but you couldn't deny that you had feelings for him. Ez told you that Angel felt the same way but was afraid to make a move since he didn't want to drag you down even more with the MC. You were to pure and innocent for that.

Opening your blanket so that you could wrap it around Angel as well, he took your cold hands into his and began to try and warm them up. Your head resting on his shoulder while his head rested on your head, snuggling as close together as possible.

"You know I've always had feeling for you Y/N..". You smiled. This was finally happening. "I know Angel.. I have feeling for you too". Angel turned his head to look at you. "You do?" "Yes Angel.. since the very moment I laid eyes on you I've been in love". He furrowed his brows in confusion. "Ez told me.. and I don't want you to worry.. I want to be with you.. even with the MC and all. They are like my family also". He smiled that big smile of his that made your knees weak. "I would have kissed your now but my lips are so cold I don't want you to be even colder" he said while your foreheads touched. "Kiss me when we get out of this mess then please".

All the guys started clapping and hollering. "Wooo.. finally.. we've been going crazy with Angel talking almost every day if he should ask you out or not" Taza said. This made you blush and you hide your face in Angel's side. Bishop turned to look at you both. "Just no funny business in the car while we are all here". "Oh come on pres.. you know that is the best way to keep warm" Angel said which made the boys cheer and holler even louder.

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