definately mates

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Ryan's POV

i was so worried i would hurt him but he didn't complain or anything. i heard the shower turn off and i smiled, so much for staying away from and completely ignoring him. when i was heaven, when people said that before i thought they were being ridiculous, i mean heaven? get serious...but now i know what they meant and to be honest i cant wait to feel what he felt. i want him to be in me. at first i was scared and I'm glad he went first but now i just want him in me. god how desperate do i sound?

the door creaked open and the most beautiful creature stepped out, towel around his waist and another towel in is hand rubbing his longish hair. i think I'm drooling. he looked at me and smiled, when we were having sex he was completely adorable, cheeks red, breathing fast and hard, his hands roaming everywhere but he let me take control which i knew must have been tough for him. i guess i have to admit that if it came to show of dominance we would go head to head for most of it but by the end he would win. he was a little more dominant than me. pisses me off.

"whats up? u look weird.."

i noticed i was staring but with a frown on my face..oops

"we..need to talk"

i sounded hesitant even to my own ears and he looked majorly panicked

"did i do something?"

awww could he get any cuter?!

"do u want me to do something?!"

apparently he could get even cuter!! i laughed and i could see his face relax

"no but after what we just.....did.....there are gonna be some consequences that im not sure you are gonna like"

he looked thoughtful for a second then shook his head like a dog, spraying water all over the room, and then sat down next to me, in his towel.....that did not help my concentration and i found my eyes wondering every so often to his sexy- (MENTAL SLAP!)

he looked at me expectantly obviously wanting me to explain and i took a deep breath

"do you know what a mate is?"

he blinked slowly and nodded

"like a Friend?"

i grimaced, this was gonna be harder than i thought

"umm no, its a little different, you see wolves have something called mates which is just shortened from....umm....soul mates..."

my voice slowly melted away and now we sat in silence, he looked at me in confusion before his eyes started to widen and i knew he was finally comprehending me.

he looked away and then kinda stupidly pointed to me and then himself and then his mouth formed an O shape.. i couldn't help it, i doubled up in laughter and only when i could feel the weight of his annoyed stare did i look up only hiccuping every few seconds.


i nodded and then very seriously he asked

"has there ever been male matings before?"

i laughed again and nodded

"actually its pretty common, just as common as human male couples"

he looked absolutely relieved and that's when i knew that he wasn't upset about us being eternally connected or the fact that we were both guys, he was worried about me...he wondered what my pack would have thought and said. i glowed inside knowing how much my mate cared for me and i knew he would fight to the death for me and i would do the same for him. i would kill for him. its what mates do, they protect and love each other without cause or reason and they do it because they must.

"so your mine!"

i glanced up and saw a smug look on his face

"as you are mine"

i replied rather smugly too, knowing girls and guys would kill for my place with this man but they could never have him cos he was MINE!

we sat there in silence for another minute or so before he jumped up dropping his towel (leaving me breathless and unbelievable horny) and said

"lets go for a run, i wanna see your wolf!"

he looked like a little boy (as long as i didn't look down, which was really hard!) and i couldn't deny that smile of his, when i got up to agree i saw his eyes had changed once again to the most beautiful colours. strange but beautiful. gold and silver. amazing.

im really sorry guys but im really tired so i will stop here and i will definately wirte more tomorrow sometime! XD

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