a pack?!

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i would like to dedicate it to two people but i cnt so the next chap is gna be for my next fan who has kept up with ths story!!!! fanks guys!!! XD

Alex Pov

i was laughing quietly at the look of indecision on my beautiful mates face...well i say face i meant his wolf face......even his muzzle was beautiful. he was a russet colour, so at odds with his natural hair, he was very large and his paws were enormous....he was all MINE!!

he was indecisive because i wanted to run on till dawn, just run with my mate but Ryan thought we should head home and get some sleep for school tomorrow...trust him to be a goody two shoes. i sighed and nudged him in the direction of his house, letting him know it was okay for him to leave. even though it made me sad. his dark grey eyes shifted to mine and looked sad then suddenly he pounced on me and ran into into the trees.

this is the game we had been playing since we first came out here. when he said yes to the run i was ecstatic. i got to see his wolf!! i grinned to myself and hunted him down like prey. we had shifted in the woods and the sudden rush of adrenaline had made us crazy, we ran around pouncing and jumping on each other like pups. it was so much fun and now it seemed he wanted to play more....well whatever he wanted i would give to him.

just then i felt a breeze on my lower back, it bought a scent with it, a dark rich scent, pack scent. i growled and turned slightly, looking around but seeing nothing. i growled a little louder and i saw Ryan come out from behind the brush. he looked carefully around then trotted silently to my side. the scent was still in my system but Ryan's scent was overwhelming and i wanted to take him right there.


we both whipped around, the movement looked synchronised, and we saw four grayish wolves in front of us. another three appeared on our left side, closer to Ryan and i growled menacingly, no one would hurt him!

two more appeared next to me and another three behind us. fantastic......twelve unknown wolves surrounded us, that's when i caught a slight herbal scent, calming and sweet. my sisters scent!!!!

i growled and snapped and all the wolves stepped back. my eyes were probably evil looking by now.....my sister and my mate?! i dont think so!!! Ryan turned so that he was facing me and rubbed my muzzle...then turned and walked towards the other wolves...WTF?!

my little sisters dark fur appeared from behind a tree and a larger whitish wolf had her in his jaws, i almost flipped out but i saw my sister was giving the wolf hell. scratching, biting, growling, he was covered in blood and gauges but she was completely unharmed...pissed but not hurt.

the white wolf looked at me and then dropped his head in greeting....im so confused right now. my sister was fine so i looked at Ryan and he had a stupid little grin on his face. it was weird to see a wolf grinning but he managed to make it look adorable. that's when i knew this was his pack. his family.

i wanted to be angry, i wanted to growl and tear the wolves apart, they had a pack but me and my sister were alone but i couldn't do it. they looked mighty and dangerous together but more than that, you could see the bond between them and my mate, my boy..i growled in defeat and nodded my head in greeting.

my sister was still tearing the other poor wolf to pieces so i sort of barked at her and she looked at me and sighed before just lying still in the males mouth. he looked at me and i saw relief and gratitude. i just nodded again.

Ryans Pov

i was worried he would attack and when he thought both me and his sister were in danger i thought he would tear everyone of my brothers to pieces! i was terrified for them! jeez my mate was powerful. when  he calmed down and took the time to look at things carefully i briefly wondered what Damien was doing with rain in his mouth. the pup must have been wondering around in the woods. he must have been scared she would be attacked by rogues.. it happened all the time and she was a damn pretty wolf , the perfect meal for a rogue, although by the looks of Damien she would make the rogues fight to the death.

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