the life

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I'm really sorry that you had to wait so long but my mind was completely blank and i had no idea what to write.....i still don't I'm just winging it.........i hope it doesn't turn out terrible and i think this is gonna be the last chapter for Ryan and Alex..........maybe. but there is definitely gonna be a sequel for Damien and wish me luck!!!!!

and here goes nothing....

Ryan's POV

its been three months since Alex and Rain were initiated and i don't think the pack has ever been happier. they have bought so much light and laughter with them into this big family and to be honest i don't know where they got it from. they were both abandoned by their own kind and lived alone for so long that i didn't think a pack would be all it took to get them out of their shells..........they are both amazing.


Rains beautiful little face etched with laughter appeared in front of me, she was running full throttle towards me and it was pretty disconcerting. i had seen this girl in was girl that small should have that much power.......

a couple of seconds later Alex's form appeared running after the girl, laughing contentedly. i smiled and managed to catch the flying  girl, i stumbled a couple of times and i internally admired the small girl in my arms.......she is perfect for Damien.........i wonder when those two will decide to get things together?

"c'mon you two the coach is leaving in about 20 minutes and Rain you had better be packed!"

i put as much firmness in my voice as possible but i couldn't do mates eyes watched me carefully....always watching.....a small smile playing at the side of his mouth. Rain was perched precariously in my arms glaring playfully up at me. her smile just as beautiful and dangerous as her brothers.

"i dont wanna go, i wanna stay with you guys!!"

Rain was struggling in my arms now seeing that i was yet another person going to force her on the coach. all the trainee fighters were going on a small trip to the mountains to help them get some training in. Rain wasn't technically a fighter but her hand to hand combat skills and weapon skills were amazing for not only a girl but for her age too. she could be a future sentinel and the pack wasn't letting one of those go to waste.

"Rain, you'll get to hit boys, show off your skills, and breathe in cleansing mountain seriously dont wanna go?"

Alex smirked at me and nodded at Rains face indicating her new expression.......i laughed internally and knew her brother had hooked her. she loved getting into fights with the other boys...she was the only girl and she could do some serious damage, and everyone knew it. she was the exact copy of her brother, it was amazing that they weren't twins!!

"well when you put it like that......okay i'll go!!"

Alex and i laughed and Rain jumped out of my arms gracefully before pulling up short and then abruptly putting down her head and running towards her brother.

i looked out towards the tree's and saw Damien coming over to us, smirking.

"I'm just gonna take Rain over to the coach and see if every-things set....."

Ryan's melodious voice drifted over to me and and i glanced up to see instant heat flare up in his strange eyes, one dark, stormy grey and the other a dark, warm brown. he had me caught instantly and i knew i would be burning up all day....just waiting....for tonight

i nodded tightly and turned, waiting for Damien to get closer.

"where are they heading?"

i was still slightly shocked at Damien's sudden use of his voice, it was still rare but he used far more often that he did before Rain appeared.

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