the beast

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okay so introducing new characters wasn't a bad thing so yaaay!!! okay next chap!!

Ryan pov

he was staring at me. his eyes, one blue and one green stared at me unblinkingly and to be honest i was worried. i know he was happy about the pack but he may be mad about the fact that they practically ambushed us....wait.....oh he wasn't mad.......oh mind was going blank bit by bit because now i had a very large, very powerful male stalking towards me with uncontrolled heat in his eyes. he saw me swallow and he bared his teeth at me

"you look worried baby.."

baby? did he just call me baby? nuhuh!! i was not gonna be the female in this relationship!!

"hey dont call m-"

he attacked, and i mean attacked...i didn't even finish my sentence before he pounced on me, grabbing my waist and tangling his legs with mine dropping us to the forest floor. we were both still completely naked so this caused certain parts of our anatomy to....react.

"what the hell Alex?!"

he nuzzled my neck pressing small kisses to my jugular and then he suddenly bit my shoulder. i moaned in pleasure even though i should have been pissed, he had me in a completely submissive position but i didn't care...i just wanted....more.

"please alex..."

he grinned down at me, hearing the desperation in my voice and grabbed my upper thigh to bring it over his hip


i bit my lip, and tried to keep my eyes open, he was touching me all over, my hips, thighs, chest, stomach and then his hands went lower

"you have no idea how sexy you are right now"

his voice was controlled and neutral, completely calm and here i was panting and squirming...shit, was he really excited..?? then i felt it against my inner thigh and i knew he wanted me just as bad

"you look so edible, i just wanna suck and bite you all night long"

he was gonna make me cum just with his voice...was that even possible??!! i groaned really loud, my voice reverberating against the trees when he rubbed against me, his body slithering downwards and then he was kneeling between my spread legs. he stared at me and then slowly, deliberately he bent down, keeping eye contact and then i spasmed as i entered his mouth and i actually yelled, grabbing his hair and pulling harshly, all he did was moan contentedly.

he kept sucking and licking and i was bucking so hard i knew i would have bruises later. he must have thought this too because he put his arm over my waist and held me down, where he got his insane strength from i will never know. he tightened his throat experimentally and i yelled hoarsly so he did it again and again and-


i came hard and fast straight into his mouth and all he did was sit back and swallow it, looking at me like i was dessert. i lay on the floor, my arms flopping uselessly at my side, my legs bent out and open giving him the perfect view but i couldn't move so who cared.

i was totally spent but whilst i was looking at him looking at me i felt the stirrings in my lower regions and closed my eyes fast in embarrassment.

"well well, not enough huh baby?"

i opened my eyes just in time to see his smirking face lean over, his body covering mine, and his lips catching mine in a kiss so hot i swear the woods were on fire. he tasted of me and i absolutely loved it.

i groaned against his lips when he rubbed against me accidently. he broke the kiss, breathing heavily to look between our bodies, then he looked up with a pleading light in his eyes

i bite back, just so you know (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now