Chapter Five; She Lies

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Chapter Five; She Lies

Nyx was disappointed as she slowly regained her consciousness, her eyes bursting open to search around her in fear of what she might find.

She found that she was thrown on a cot, a single dirty pillow with a scratchy sheet under her while the damp walls surrounded her.

Nyx slowly stood to her feet, flinching in pain as everywhere she had been stuck with the needles burned with pain. Goosebumps grew on her skin as she felt the cold wet floor with her toes, her eyes looking down before a gasp escaped as her eyes roamed her body.

She hadn't even noticed that she had been stripped to just her underwear, she turned and yanked the sheet from the bed to cover her body, ignoring the small, bruised holes around her limbs as she approached the steel door.

Nyx touched every corner of it, searching for a way to escape without altering her captors. She found none though, and with a sigh, she turned to scour the room, a bed in the far corner staring back at her while the room was bare of anything else.

"What's your name?" A heavy Eastern European accent startled her, she turned on her heels and glanced out of the bar of her door to look at whoever had spoken.

She could tell the man was tall, his face easily visible through the bars while she had to stand on her toes so her whole face could be seen. He had blonde-ish white hair, solemn blue eyes, and a scruff. His eyes were staring at her grimly as if he knew a lot more than she did- which was probably true.

"Obsidian." Nyx lied, not trusting him, "Yours?"

"She lies." A female voice snapped with the same accent, red glowing momentarily as the male looked back knowingly,

"I'm Pietro... that was my sister, Wanda." He looked back at Nyx, an eyebrow lifting as he waited for her true name,

Nyx sighed as she felt tired, the torture she had gone through making her muscles quiver and shake against the strain of standing on her toes, "Nyx."

"You have beautiful name." Pietro complimented as he tried to make her at ease,

"Where are we?" Nyx curled her fingers around the bars as she tried to look down the hallway,

"Somewhere in Russia." His accent caught in the words and Nyx looked at him with wide eyes, "Russia? That can't be... I was in Atlanta... you know back in Georgia."

"Yes, it's true." Wanda seemed to be the serious one, "And we be the first to go when they think we ready."

Nyx was hesitant to ask, "Go where?"

"Missions." Was her blunt reply,

Nyx's eyebrows pulled together as she slowly slid to the ground against the floor with her back against the wall beside the door,

Silence enveloped the trio, small drips catching her attention as she watched the water droplets hit the damp floor in a corner,

"Pietro?" Nyx hesitantly asked,


"Where are you both from?" Nyx wondered where his accent was from, does that mean that whoever held them captive didn't just take from one place? How many more people have been victim to their hand?

"Sokovia." Pietro whispered, seeming to miss his home terribly.

"Are there more of us held here?" She feared the answer, "Yes." And there it was.

Nyx curled her arms around her legs, holding tightly as she put her burning forehead against her knees.

They weren't alone, the phrase that someone had bigger problems than yours coming up in her head the more she thought of what horrors they enforced on the other victims.

They weren't alone, the phrase that someone had bigger problems than yours coming up in her head the more she thought of what horrors they enforced on the other victims

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Orphic - James Buchanan "Bucky" BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now