10~ cherry blossoms fade

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"Alright girls, get ready to go on stage, your peformance will begin soon."

I heaved a large breath as I heard the words of one of the crew members as he held the walkie talkie to his ear.

Holy crap.
I am so not ready for this.

I paced back and forth as I fiddled with my fingers impatiently.

This was our first test as I-LANDERS. Unlike before where we were being judged by each other, we we're going to be professionally evaluated by some of the most prestigious producers and idols in the industry.

I lifted my gaze onto the large transparent screen where sat the hosts, Chungha, Sunmi and Chu, as well as producer Cho Hyunsik and finally,

Bang Si-hyuk.

Oh my gosh that man makes me nervous.
He kinda cute not gonna lie but I heard he was the CEO.
Yikes I'm literally going to piss on someone.

As I was consumed in my thoughts, I heard a loud boom on the speaker as the lights began to dim and smoke began filling the stage.

"Okay ladies, quick take your positions!"

We scattered hurridly into our allocated positions and stood in silence as we waited for the music to play.



"So here we go! First test of the I-LANDERS on the show!" cheered Chu as she threw her hands in the air.

"It sure is Chu, today they will be performing a continuation of last seasons' 'Into the I-LAND', called 'Cherry blossoms fade'." Chungha stated informingly.

"What are you looking out for among the applicants today, Bang Si-hyuk?" asked Sunmi.

The fluff-like man hummed in thought before addressing himself.

"I'm expecting high-levels of sing, dance and rap as well as the applicants' own personal charm."

The others agreed nodding agreeingly.

"I believe that the top priority over your skill is how you make a good impression on your audience. Whether it be facial expressions, your ability to fix mistakes or even just your visual. These are the things that will make you stand out among the rest."

"Wow you're so right." wowed Sunmi as she clapped in adoration.

"Oo looks like the girls have taken their positions! Let's take a look at their performance."

('Cherry blossoms fade' by I.O.I)

*I kind of changed the lyrics a little to make it more fitting hehe :D

The warm sunlight was brightly shining.
The spring that was filled with pink light is coming
As I see the pretty flowers that are falling one by one
I softly close my eyes and pray that it won't end

When the cherry blossoms fade
Can our dreams become reality?
If our beginning is a bit warm
Let' hug each other to make it warmer

I like you smiling brightly
Let's reach our dreams together.

The girls moved their bodies with passion as they sang with their hearts.
The lyrics embedded their heads, coming alive as their voices sang sweetly.

"Whoa. They're really giving it all they got aren't they." praised Chungha gaping widely.

Chu teared up at the heartfelt lyrics as she sniffed quietly.

"I can't seem to take my eyes of Soojin."

They judges watched as the young girl moved devotedly across the stage, singing clearly with great emotion.

"Despite her young age, it looks like she has accurately taken the meaning behind the song and outwardly performed it with accurate expression." Chu spoke in awe.

"I seems like she is making the lyrics her own." smiled Cho Hyunsik as he looked at the girl proudly.

Even if the flowers fall,
let's remember that we are one.
Until the twinkling stars shine on us
we're endlessly waiting
Step by step
Getting better each time

When the cherry blossoms fade



Oh my days.

She's amazing.

I gawked in awe as my eyes followed the figure of the younger girl as she moved across the stage.
Her voice rang sweetly through the speakers as my mouth opened in amazement.

"Whoa. She's really good! Who is she?" questioned our youngest NI-KI as his eyebrows rose in a impressed manner.

"That's Park Soojin. The ace of the applicants." breathed Sunghoon as his eyes glued to the girl dancing with passion.

I watched as her hair gracefully fell over her shoulders as she executed each choreo perfectly.
My heart fluttered as the stage lights reflected off her twinkling eyes.


The boys whipped their heads to face me as I accidently voiced my thoughts.

"Ayeee is our Jakey getting a crush on someone?" teased Heesung as he jabbed his elbow into my side.

I scoffed in denial as I shook my head.

"Nah. I just like to admire good trainees when I see one."

The boys looked at each other unconvinced as they continued to throw light punches at me.

I don't know.
Do I have a crush on Soojin?

I shook my head looking at the ground.

What am I thinking?
I literally met her less than a week ago.

My mind was ticking as I continued to watch her figure dance on stage.

And plus
How can I ever face her again after the incident in the practice room?

I shivered as I played the memory again in my head.

Of all days to wear my pink bear boxers!

I soon shook off the thought as I watched as the performance soon concluded and the girls rushed off stage.

Park Soojin.

You really are something.

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