CH. 12| I Don't Play That cont'd

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"VON WHY THEE FUCK...ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!" I yelled at him. He got up off that bed so quick and pinned up on the wall. I dropped everything that was in my hands.

"Von I'm not cripple anymore. I will fuck your cinnamon stick built ass up in this bitch. "I told him. I don't know who he thought he was, gripping on me the way he's been doing today.

"Reign just because you gained a lil ass and hips don't mean shit. I just wanna tell you something though." He said. I already knew what the fuck he wanted to tell me because he told me the same shit earlier. FUCK!

"Go ahead and repeat yourself Von but let me go damn.  "I told him. I tried to get out of his grip but he only made it tighter.

"No. I just want you to know that I'll kill you before anybody else be with you Reign. I told you this shit forever and I meant that so before I even have to do all that give me another chance please. "He said. Was he really serious right now?

I used my strength to push him up off me. "Von I just need some time to myself right now who knows what the future holds for us but right now it's best that we stay separated. And you can stop with all them baby ass threats cause I will get active right back with your ass so don't even very much play with me. "I told his ass.

"Reign keep playing with me. "He said.

"Go home. The fuck are you even here for. "

"Damn I can't come see you and before you bring up the room shit again, that's my sister. Ha bet your ass feeling stupid now. " Okay now he just being childish. I put my shoes and shit right back on and left him standing there. I decided to go over Maya's since she been tryna get me to spend the night forever.

She didn't live far from me so I made it in no time. I knocked on her door and Cameron answered.

"Hi?" I was confused as to why he was here.

"Hey I didn't know you was coming by. "He said.

"You live here ?"I asked.

"Yes Maya is my sister. "He told me.

"Oh ok.  Is she here?"

"Yes you just go right to her room. Is the last one to the left. "He said. I followed his directions and went into her room. She was laid across bed on facetime. Her room was decorated nicely. I cleared my throat to make my presence known then she turned around.

"I decided to spend the night. "I told her. Her face instantly went to a smile like she's been waiting on this moment her whole life.

"Finally. Lame ass. You want something to drink or something. "She offered.

"Maybe once I get out the shower and do you have something for me to wear?" I asked her. She went to dresser and pulled out some super short shorts that's probably not even gonna cover my whole ass along with a tank top.

"You're welcome. Towels is in the bathroom. "She said.


While Reign was in the shower a few of Cameron's friends came over. They were all smoking and drinking and playing the game. Maya was right along with them as she sat next to Cameron waiting for Reign to come out the shower. 

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