20: First Fake Date

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"Feeling better?" Jungkook asked after walking towards a specific area in the forest that was decorated according to his orders. A small cabin was built there years ago on the idea of Yeonjun.

When he felt a lack of response, he turned back to see a still sulking blue-haired in his own world.

Moments ago, when Taehyung abruptly get out of the car, Jungkook silently followed him as he couldn't see the tears in those beautiful eyes, too much focused on how the other removed his hand from his blue hair. But when Taehyung stopped in the middle of nowhere, he looked like a lost puppy. That's when the raven-haired decided to take the lead and make him follow the way he planned to show to the other, for this specific date.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and stepped back to the other, looking at his ethereal face, a finger coming in touch with the chin of the other. "What's wrong? Hm?" 

Taehyung clenched his jaw at that, he softly removed the hand from his chin again. "Where are you taking me?" Finally, he word out because he couldn't see the cabin yet. Jungkook chuckled at that and grabbed the hand gently, dragging the other softly behind him.

"You'll see in a few minutes." Taehyung rolled his eyes, tears were long gone as he used the chance when Jungkook was at his back.

"Why have to walk so much, my feet hurt," Taehyung muttered under his breath, the body already being dragged by the other.

Jungkook halted suddenly, causing the other to squeak in surprise when he picked him up in bridal style and started walking ahead without any word. Taehyung wrapped his arms around the other's neck quickly, eyes wide.

"Hey! Put me down.!"

"Your feet hurt," Jungkook answered and Taehyung felt his ears burning in embarrassment at the realization that the other heard him out.

"Th- this isn't that bad. I can walk." He protested, but Jungkook just chuckled in response. 

The soothing sounds of nature were echoing in the forest. The soft humming of the birds, rustling of the leaves and the little crunching voice of the dried leaves under the feet of the raventte... made Taehyung feel so calm, causing him to lean more over the broad and build-up chest of the other.

Jungkook stopped in front of a small yet cozy-looking cabin. Taehyung also looked up to see that when Jungkook put him down gently and walked to the cabin, opening the door with the key, he gestured for him to follow.

Jungkook was the one to enter first and Taehyung followed him but his jaw dropped in awe when he saw the inside of the cabin. This was not so big but so perfectly decorated and designed.

"This is so awesome," Feeling awestruck, Taehyung mumbled with a smile. Eyes looking around the cabin taking in the decoration, the fairy lights hanging on the walls, the sweet smell of fresh roses, the petals scattered over the small bed in the corner, a small couch with fluffy stuff toys, a small fridge on the other corner, and another door.. maybe a bathroom.

Jungkook smiled and again dragged him to the couch this time. "Sit here, let me bring something to drink," Saying that, he left to grab some juice while Taehyung took hold of a teddy bear, squeezing it against his own chest with a smile.

"Aww, you're so fluffy and squishy," Taehyung mumbled with a smile as he pressed it more over his chest.

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