31: Peaceful

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was sitting on the bed in his own room. Recalling the words and the following very awkward dinner, he groaned in annoyance.

"That's a great lead Taehyung. You can easily sneak into the documents of his treasure."

Taehyung let out a scoff at the words. Like he really knows how to do it quickly without getting caught?

"Jin Hyung is right, why don't you take the opportunity in a positive way? Try to make him trust you more, I'm sure things will be easier that way."

"I'm trying ok! It's just- I never slept with anyone before."

Namjoon let out a chuckle when Baekhyun muttered something in the background, indicating that he was the one holding the microphone.

"What's so funny?" Taehyung frowned and the other couldn't see but could imagine.

"Well, Baek is reminding you of the times when you slept with him... once in the forest and once in his arms after crying?"

A sudden heat felt rushing to his cheeks that he couldn't comprehend whether because of embarrassment or anger.

"You aren't helping me, you all are just enjoying my misery." He mumbled out in a low tone, trying to sound as much as sad and disturbed as he should be.

A long sigh was heard from the other side and a little shuffling afterward. 

"Tae, listen, dear.. you're just going to share a bedroom, even if he tries to do something, humbly deny that. But I'm sure, he won't do anything to you because of your condition. Moreover, I don't think he is the type who forces himself over others. Try to sleep off the unnecessary thoughts and make a little bond with him, by opening up. Because I'm again sure.. we've so much to reveal."

Jin's soothing voice and he felt his hands moving up to cover his face. That sounds easier than done.. he won't be able to remain calm with the thought of having the other in close proximity.

After a minute or two, he opened his mouth to say something but literally jumped when the door of his room opened suddenly.

"Oh, I startled you again?" John asked with a sheepish smile and Taehyung had to smile back, even when that was very fake.

"No no. I was just.. um.. thinking." John cocked his brow and moved his eyes around the blue-haired who presumably made an excuse to take his PJs from his room but remain disappeared for the last half an hour.

"Well, your pjs are really comfortable," John pointed out with a chuckle, and then Taehyung realized that he didn't even make an effort to open his closet. He hurriedly got up from the bed, hissing lightly on the uneasy feeling in his chest, and rushed to the closet.

"Wait! Don't run like that. I can do it for you." John rushed as well with a worried face when he saw Taehyung rushing inside the room.

Taehyung ignored his voice and grabbed some random pjs from the closet, that came out as the ones Jungkook bought for him. He again rushed to the bathroom to change into the peach-colored, extremely comfortable pjs.

"I'm going in his room, I swear, if I die of fear or shock, I won't forgive any of you." He mumbled, more like scolded into the earpiece after bringing it closer to his lips.

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