51: First and last

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook looked up at the other who was biting his lips, a clear sign of the disturbance. He curled his finger around the other's hand and smiled.

"Sure. That's the first time you're trying to be alone with me like that. Why not?" Taehyung felt his heart shattered by that. He did that for the first time, but was the other waiting for that?

"Let's go?" Jungkook ushered as he got up from the bed, hand still in the hold of the other, fingers around each other, fitting like the solved puzzle. When Taehyung felt the little tug, he gulped and shook his head, causing the other to slightly frown.

"I- I want to change first. Give me a little time, you... you also change." Managing those words, Taehyung quickly moved out of the room with his wildly beating heart.

He rushed to the room and locked the door before running to the closet.

"That's great. We can track you easily. Just lead him to somewhere far from the mansion. Don't forget to grab your own things. You're finally leaving that place Taehyung." Taehyung didn't say anything in response, he just took some deep breaths before grabbing his own clothes and his both phones to put them in a big jacket, the one Jungkook bought for him. He changed into his old clothes and put on the jacket in a hurry.

The situation was nerve recking, he saw his own body shaking as he put the things in the numerous pockets of the jacket. His eyes were scanning the room for the last time. In the past months, he never find it difficult to live here, but it was now very difficult to leave it.

Slapping his own forehead to come out of the stupid daze, he grabbed the jewelry box and put the earpieces in a small bag before putting that in his pocket as well.

Doing packing, his eyes fell on the closet that was filled with the branded clothes that Jungkook bought for him, and how he made him change into all of those. A small smile made on his lips but it quickly vanished.

"We are all ready. Are you ready Taehyung? Your last mission and your last task." Namjoon asked.

Was he ready? Ready for the biggest betrayal he was about to do?

"Y- yes." Clenching his fists, he closed the closet and just left the room.

I won't be here anymore...

With that thought in his mind, he walked to the Jungkook's room where the male was already waiting for him with a black leather jacket and hair brushed back, making his forehead clear in the view.

"Let's go." Jungkook gave his rare smile and Taehyung just nodded and walked behind him. On his way out, his gaze fell on John, who was standing near the kitchen.

"W-wait for me in the car. I'll be here in a minute." Jungkook opened his mouth to offense but sighed and left.

Taehyung moved towards the other and just hugged him tightly, taking him by surprise. "Hey! What's this for?" John shrieked lightly but smiled and hugged back soon.

After what felt like two minutes, Taehyung pulled back and gave John a small thread-like bracelet that he always wore on his wrist.

"That's a little gift for you." John cocked his brow but accepted the simple gift and wear that right at the moment.

"Thank you but, why all of a sudden?" Taehyung just smiled and shook his head, keeping the pain hidden which he shouldn't be feeling in the first place, but what could he do about his stupid heart?

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