29: Scary emotions

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was shocked by the words but before he could say anything, Jungkook chuckled and suddenly left the bed and then the room, leaving him totally surprised.

"What was that?" Taehyung mumbled to himself and when even after waiting for half an hour, with many different thoughts in his mind, he finally decided to sleep off.


The night was deep, very deep to the extent that only the buzzing of the nocturnal world could be heard. A little creaky noise was the one to break the thick silence as a man climbed inside the room after sliding away the glass window.

"Jeez! It's awkward like that." The sniper muttered to himself, adjusting his bag pack over his back.

"It should be somewhere here." He again groaned, going through the things placed inside the cabinet. He was very careful, careful to be quick before the arrival of the owner of the apartment.

"Oh please!" He groaned again and placed the things back like they were before and opened the other drawer in the hope to find the things he was sent for.

Grumbling here and there, he continued rummaging through the things but halted when he heard a little sound from the main door of the apartment. His breath hitched and he made his gun ready to shoot the person. Doorknob turned around and finally the door creaks as a tired male entered the empty apartment.

He threw his little bag over the couch and went to the kitchen to have some water. Fumbling around the kitchen and then to his room, he finally opened the door again only to stop with a frown.

"What the hell! I definitely locked the damn window.!" A bee was buzzing in the room now, only to add up to his frustration.

"Ugh! Fine! You won't survive today from Yoongi's hands." Yoongi smirked and locked the door again to kill his rival, totally oblivious to the presence outside of his window.

"That was close." Sniper internally cursed himself.


"Really?!" Taehyung beamed in happiness when John announced that he can finally go back to his room.

"Yes Taehyung shi, now get up." John smiled and helped the happy blue-haired to get up on his feet.

"Finally... I can get rid of this smelly room." Taehyung chirped again, only to make the other smile at his cuteness. He was now walking on his own, but still, John was holding him gently, just in case.

Taehyung dramatically gasped when John opened the door of his room. "Ah! I missed this room too much, ow my poor babies." Taehyung said dramatically with a whiny tone, making his way to the bed and hugging his pillows.

"Never knew you were this childish." John chuckled when Taehyung kept on hugging his pillows.

"What! I'm not! You're accusing me of being childish while I'm totally mature person." Taehyung protested quickly but that only made John laugh more. It wasn't like he didn't like that side of Taehyung, in fact... he find it more adorable as the other was finally showing signs of adjusting to his new home.

"Yeah, totally mature." He said, shaking his head while cackling continuously.

"Humph.. whatever. Go and bring me some ice cream, I want to have some." Taehyung beamed, licking his lips at the thought of the sweet taste. Well, he did miss the sweetness as he was just feeding over the tasteless food and bitter medicines but as now Han finally announced that he can go back to his normal life, he really wanted to go back... yeah.

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