6: Decision

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Third person P.O.V

It's been an hour since Jungkook left his small rented house and he was still shaking one leg, the other dangling from his uncomfortable bed. He couldn't use his phone to contact Namjoon or Jin... because he was afraid.

"Here is your phone and my number is saved in it. I will contact you tomorrow."

That's what the mafia boss said while handing him his phone back. He was now more than afraid that Jungkook got his phone number.. his address.. his job information, terrified for everyone's safety related to him.

He bit his lip again and banged his head on the bed head, only to groan in pain and hiss as he felt a wave of pain.

"What should I do? I can't call them, what if he is recording my calls?" Taehyung thought then suddenly an idea popped up in his mind and he quickly rushed to his little cabinet on the side to have his laptop.

He was happy that Yoongi gifted him that on his previous birthday.

He quickly grabbed the card that Namjoon gave him once with his email address and Skype id as well. He sighed in relief once he found those cars and quickly send an email to officers to contact him.

Once the call was contacted, he almost cried in relief.

"Taehyung? Is everything ok? Why you said it's an emergency?" A very worried face of Namjoon appeared on the screen, he seems to like sitting in his office.

"He- Jungkook. He came to my cafe today." Taehyung reasoned with his shaky voice and Namjoon's chair was pushed to the side as Jin appeared on the screen.

"Omg.. WHAT?! How did you get this wound?"

"Tell us in detail," Namjoon asked calmly and Taehyung told them everything he remembered till the little conversation he had at his house.

"H- he said that he will take me with him." Jin gasped in surprise, Namjoon seemed deep in thought.

"I think it's a plus point for us." After the silence of one minute, Namjoon finally stated, making Taehyung's eyebrows frown.

"What do you mean?" The blue-haired asked with uneasiness in his heart.

"Listen Taehyung, first thing keep in your mind that he will never hurt you and secondly-" He hesitated before saying.

"If you stay with him, we can get more proof against him. We can easily dig into his life and all his secrets." Jin made a surprised voice and glanced over at Taehyung who looked like he saw a ghost.

"Y-you mean that I should just go with him?"

"I think it's best," Namjoon said quickly and Taehyung shook his head while laughing nervously.

"No no no. I think you don't understand. I am nothing in front of him, I have no experience of spying and I can't even have power for self-defense." Taehyung truthfully exclaimed as he was sure that he can't do that. Someone like him with a mafia as a spy? Of course, it's a big no-no.

Namjoon rubbed his temple and glanced over at Jin for help.

"Um. Namjoon is right, Taehyung. He won't hurt you-"

"How can you be so sure that he won't? What if he catches my act? He will shoot me at the moment, no way. I am not in, this time. I did help you because I thought it would end at that point. I can't." Taehyung was visibly panicking and Jin sighed when he saw younger in that condition.

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