Chapter 9: Meet The Greystone's

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Alannah Page's POV

The cuffs around my raised wrists were chaffing badly, but I didn't care... Not when I had Gavin Greystone's blonde head buried between my thighs. He had taken the pillows from beneath my head to raise my hips, his hands had slid down my quivering inner thighs making me shiver with delight as he swiftly buried two fingers into my very wet pussy. Making me cry out in desire and need. Why was I so wet? Too many near-orgasms. I was being denied. My back arched as I moaned. His head rapidly descending between my thighs as he licked and sucked hard on my clit..."Oh God...yes. Right there..." My fingers itched to grab him by the head and sink my fingers into his hair while pulling him to me, my wrists yanked on the cuffs hard. He was bringing me higher and higher, oh yes! So close! Almost there, and then...he stopped his mouth and fingers.

I groaned in frustration, "Gavin, please! This is the fourth time... You're killing me!" He chuckled as he laid on his side and began to thrust his fingers into me again, but very slowly.

"Now, tell me all you saw at work today with the Sinn's we both know you work the night shift, and you my dear are too nosey not to see what all is happening." He stopped moving his fingers in me again just as I started to get all worked up for the fifth time.

My breathing was erratic and my heart was pounding. So when I spoke it sounded a bit breathy. "They spoke about a contract that was to bind Jonas Sinn in marriage to a girl called Violet." He came up from between my parted legs so fast. Suddenly, I was slapped so hard my lip split and blood began to trickle down.

"YOU LIE! That bastard has been single for hundreds of years!" Blood smeared along my jaw and chin as he grasped it hard, his fingers digging into the skin.

I lay on my back with my arms cuffed to his headboard and I was scared shitless! My eyes were wide and filled with tears as I whimpered, "I swear it is the truth! Karrack and Jonas both want to fuck the girl, but I think Ion is two steps ahead, he left with a copy of the contract after fucking the office whore, Lizzy, who looked pretty badly abused." He nodded as the information sank in.

Pulling his fingers from my body, Gavin laid his rock hard cock up against my pussy and began to rub. Mmmm....just the feel of him against my delicate flesh felt soooo good. Bending his head, his tongue lashed out to tease my nipples making my breath hitch as he squeezed my breasts.

The excitement in me began to build again as I felt his warm breath on the skin in the middle, right below my breasts. There he licked and kissed me. "You have been very helpful to the Greystone clan." He licked my body all the up to where he licked up the blood on my chin, without warning, he plunged his hard cock deep into my body. "Oh yes!!!" I cried out. His arms framed my body as he played with my breasts, with his elongated fangs. Nipping and biting the soft flesh. Moaning, my eyes closed, and all I could do was feel, heaven as my hips rocked in sync with his. He fucked me hard and fast, sliding almost completely out, and thrusting back inside hard like he owned my body. Which I love. My walls grasped tightly along the soft textured, blood-engorged cock that kept pounding into me as abdominal muscles tightened.

Oh, fuck! I was so sensitive now... Reaching between our bodies, he rubbed my clit and the world blew apart around me. When my head flew back in ecstasy and I screamed his name, his fangs sank deep into my neck. My pleasure was amplified by his control over my mind. He continued to fuck me, by no means was he gentle. He made my body cum again and again. My pussy tightening around his cock so hard he could barely move, and then he'd start slapping his flesh against mine again. The sensations of ecstasy ran through my body in wave after wave. Finally, he grunted against my neck and spilled his cum deep inside of me. Reaching up, he unfastened the cuffs on my wrists and collapsed where he was, pulling his fangs from my neck, laying there licking up my blood.

"You know I gotta take your information to Kent. He'll want to know if there is any in-fighting going in there. He wants to take down Ion in the worst way." Rolling off of me, his cock pulled out of my body and I slowly closed my aching thighs and lowered my arms to my sides, draping one across my stomach. "Don't worry, someday I'll let him see you, and I'm sure he'll fuck you too. But you play a dangerous game coming between two clans and the brothers of one." He smirked at me as he turned around.

"What the fuck, Gavin! Stay out of my head!" I got up and sat on my heels facing him."Anyway, the idea of fucking your brother was just a fantasy. Just as fucking both of you at the same time has been one." I paused and shook my head. "You need to slow down on your intrigue consumption, geez!"

Before I knew it, he'd violently shoved me back on the bed, straddling my body and trapping my arms at my sides. His still hard cock swinging above me. "Speaking about consuming..." Gavin forced his cock deep down my throat to where I could barely breathe and tears formed in the corners of my eyes. "Now shut the fuck up and suck me off, bitch! Relax...relax.." He cooed as he began to rub my clit fast and hard...


Karrack's POV

Sitting at my desk, I unlocked the small safe at my side and looked at the files. Shit! He got in! The tiny clip at the corner of the file at been moved. It had to be Ion. We had to move fast. Looking down between my legs I grabbed a naked Lizzy by the hair and pulled her mouth off my cock. "Sorry sweetheart got to go." I pushed the chair away from the desk. fastening up my pants before even standing up, as she crawled out from underneath it.

"But Karrack, what about me?" Lizzy whined from the other side of the desk, lowering her eyes as if she were modest.

Karrack chuckled to himself as he walked towards to adjoining door to Jonas's office."What about you, my dear? Are you supposed to matter just because I'm fucking you?" At her upset look, he grinned and then commanded her "You will masturbate while I am gone, and not stop until I call you from my mobile phone. You will keep on cumming and save your juices inside a cup for me, for when I return. You will allow for some blood of course." She immediately went to the couch and began rubbing her clit. Satisfied, Karrack walked through the door only to find Jonas in a room with eight nude, exquisitely proportioned women.

"All under mind control I see. I walked over to a young woman with long black hair and grabbed her ass cheek, not letting go yet. " We have to make it to your wedding you know." I watched as Jonas checked them all by the weight of their breasts, finally making it to the woman whose ass cheek was still in my hand.

Our eyes met. "Something has happened... What is it?"

"Your own brother may have stolen your bride. I found my safe in my office broken into. If he has seen the contract, then he'll know it's her only way out. Which means, we're fucked out of the Fae!" Jonas has paled significantly never in his wildest dreams did he think his brother would do such a thing to him. Karrack made the deal, yeah. But Violet was to be his bride! That is how he would think. Poor boy. It was working perfectly.

Furious, Jonas turned to the future assistants there and commanded them to dress, leave, forget all but reapply in five days. His voice was emotionless and sounded almost flat. Secretly, I loved that it hurt him. Part of being a sadist I guess.

Before we could leave, a messenger boy came in with a FedEx envelope which I tore open fast, dread gripping at my insides. Inside was a bill of sale:
Pay to the Order Of Karrack Sinn, Amount: twenty-five thousand dollars and 30/100 Memo: Debit Paid In Full, Signed: Gary Campanella

I read it two times and yelled with vicious fury, "ION, YOU'LL DIE FOR THIS!"

Jonas came running over. "What? I don't get it?"

Damn kids!

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