Chapter 10: Small Scuffle

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Violet's POV

Going to that crazy sex shop early in the morning/late night had scared the hell out of me until I got into a dressing room. Then and there I fell in love with the harnesses. They really made me feel sexy, and like maybe, just maybe, Ion could come to love me in them too. God, I am so falling for him hard.

So here I am today. My supposed wedding day, dressed in the black leather harness that smells so good, wearing my personal collar from Ion which was almost too bright to look at, making pancakes for my breakfast. Suddenly there were hands at my waist and Ion's barely there cologne. Breath fanned out across my cheek and the pants of his suit were against my bare ass cheeks. "You know I can't eat that, right?" His deep voice beckoned to me. I smiled and placed down the spatula. Then I turned to face him, my arms wrapping up toward his neck, but his hands caught me at the wrists. "You don't have permission for that. Keep your eyes lowered and never meet my gaze unless I say it's alright." He smiled broadly as I looked from the corner of my eye. "Now come here, and kiss me good morning."

Without touching him, all I could do was rise onto my tiptoes and give him a peck of a kiss. "Mmm...that was good!" Catching a quick whiff, I realized my pancake was burning so I turned around and moved the pan off the burner, then shut the burner off completely.

He stood above me frowning. "Did I say you could turn your back on me? I think we need a little lesson on who's the master here." Pulling me over to one of the tall stools, he bent me over his knees and I was furious, struggling against him hard. I knew he was about to try and spank me but he grabbed my arms together behind my back first. "Damnit Ion that hurts!"

Bending his head down to mine, he gritted out, "So will your pussy tonight, if you don't learn to obey me in all things! This pussy right here!" From behind he pushed the leather until it separated, as he forced two fingers up into my dry pussy making me scream. "Is this the only way to get through to you that this is no joke?" He was growing rock hard against my hip. I noticed as I stayed still for him.

"Alright, I get it. Now would you mind uh...moving those fingers out of there, please?" I asked a bit on the sarcastic side.

Chuckling Ion smacked me hard on each ass cheek, making me yelp in shock. He slowly thrust his fingers back and forth inside of me making my body melt, the sensations were electric throughout my body and it scared me a little. "Please Ion, no more..." He stopped and withdrew his fingers from me. As I stood back up, he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked my juices off of them.

"My God, you taste so good, Violet." His mercury colored eyes burned into mine fiercely.

Showing up in plaid flannel night pants, with 'sleep' hair, Liam walked into the kitchen scratching his bared chest, while yawning. "Morning guys." He moved over to the refrigerator and opened the door pulling out a blood bag. Looking in our direction, his jaw dropped at the sight of me. "Oh shit! Have I interrupted something?"

Ion began to laugh while my eyes hit the floor in embarrassment. "Meet Violet, my new sex slave. You'll see her around a lot." He got up from the chair and walked to the refrigerator grabbing up a blood bag as well. "She is new to being trained, so I may need your help a little, Liam. Would you mind?"

Liam looked back and forth at us, then realizing what the deal really was, he got a sly grin. "I'll keep the secret, but only if you will let Violet pose for me, for a full portrait." He proposed as he bit down into his blood bag.

Grinning, Ion looked at me as if he scrutinizing my every detail. "Deal! But only if the finished portrait gets hung up in my room my year's end." His fangs elongated and Ion bit down into his blood bag too as he looked at me with desire in his eyes.

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