Chapter 21: To Sinn Estate We Go

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Kent Greystone's POV
(Greystone Estate)

Standing in the shadows of the hall downstairs, I looked out toward the living room. The dark theme of tapestry covered couches, and maroon painted walls, offered my mind little comfort.

I loved my brother dearly, but right now, I wanted to kill the fucker. All he ever does is think in the short term. I know he loves Alanna, but what happened to her was her own damned fault for getting caught spying. Turned in to the Sinns' by my Layla or not, she knew better. Especially since she's still human, she knew the risks.

My poor Layla. She's up there sleeping so deeply from all the trauma she was forced into. Fucking Karrack! If Ion doesn't kill him first, I sure as shit will!

Gavin had tried to sneak down to where Jonas is being held, for the second time, to kill him. Now, I've had to split up the house security just to keep guards down with Jonas. If anything happens to the little shit before Ion and I can determine how deep Karrack got into his mind, it would mean a clan war.

The two lower-ranking clans in the area are getting overly curious about what is happening between the Sinn and Greystone clans. Clan Blacken and Clan Lethbridge. Their spies are everywhere too. Always looking for an opening... This could either turn out to be a nightmare, or they could become useful. We'll have to wait and see what time and patience brings us.

Like us, most of the Sinn clan is in Europe for some of the conferences and definitely the parties. So it's just the immediate family members hanging on. And considering this shit with Karrack, it's both the best and worst in timing. Fewer vampires were involved this way. God, damn... What a fucking mess...

My phone starts vibrating in my pocket and I know who it is without having to look at the screen. "What the fuck is it now, Ion?" He sounded tired and cold, a deep sigh coming from his end. Things must be pretty bad.

"Karrack got away from me when I finally found him with Violet. She's really bad off. He fucked with her mind too. Shit, she doesn't remember me.

Anyway, she is out cold on my bed in the estate under guard." He paused before his voice became quiet. "I can't leave her Kent. With this much damage, she could still die, and I won't let her go alone. So I need your help again, to bring Jonas here. That way, you and I can check out what Karrack did to both of their minds." Before I spoke, I had to think about this carefully.

On the one hand, I didn't like the thought of leaving Layla alone here. While on the other hand, getting Jonas to Sinn Estate will free up our security again, because Gavin would rather stay with his human, Alannah... All of this would bring us all closer to finding Karrack again and wiping him from the face of the earth.

"Alright. But while I am there, we are to judge the little fuck according to our laws, for what was done to Violet, Layla and Alannah." I conceded after a long pause in the conversation.

Suddenly, hands were roaming around the waist of my suit. Looking over my shoulder, my brows raised in surprise. It was Layla in a slip over, royal blue colored dress.

"Agreed. I'll see you soon." Ion cut the call short and I placed my phone in my breast pocket.

Placing my hands over hers, I turned in her arms and kissed her inviting lips tenderly. Enfolding her in my arms, her own slid up my back. Pulling my lips from hers, I asked softly, "What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting." My concern over her was founded with good reason.

Smiling, Layla untangled herself from my arms and placed her hand in mine, dragging me toward the kitchen around the corner. Stopping at the tall white refrigerator, she opened the door and brought out a chilled frosted glass decanter filled with blood. Closing the fridge, she set down the decanter on the white marble center island.

Letting go of my hand, Layla picked out two of the glass goblets hanging from the rack above, then began to pour. "Rest is something I don't need right now. I want that fucker to pay for what he did to me. Karrack never should have used a silver knife on my body." Lifting the glass to her lips, she looked pale, but her eyes were crimson fierce.

Picking up the goblet she'd poured, I wrinkled my nose as I remembered the days of being able to drink blood fresh and warm... Still, I downed the goblet of chilled blood quickly. "I have to take Jonas to Sinn Estate so he can be mentally analyzed by me and Ion." I held up a hand as if to keep the peace. "Before you say anything, I would like you to go with me?" I asked, going on the idea that at least she'd be safe from Gavin for turning over Alannah.

Setting down her empty glass goblet next to mine, lifting the decanter, and refilled them both. A small smile working its way onto her lips. "Okay. Can I hurt him at all? I'm sure he was under hypnosis and all, but he was the one that restrained me so Karrack could enter my body at the same time. If I could, I'd kill them both."

It was hard to explain why, but her words about killing really turned me on and I could feel myself growing hard.

Picking up my goblet, I downed the chilled blood just as she did the same, her eyes never leaving mine. Placing the goblet back on the counter absently, I watched as she let blood slip past her lips and dribble down her chin, to her throat. Her coloring looking much better now.

With a growl, I lifted her and set her ass on the cool marble counter. At equal height now, my mouth crashed down on hers' as my hands slid up her thighs pushing the royal blue material of her thigh-high dress up to grasp her ass cheeks and pull her body up hard against mine. Her hands slid between us and her nimble fingers worked feverishly to unfasten my pants.

Her mouth opened to me and my tongue thrusted inside her mouth. She slid her tongue around and intertwined hers' with mine, kissing me with fervor, that couldn't be denied. She wanted me right here, right now.

I wanted her too. So I pulled back from the kiss and stopped her hands. "What the fuck, Kent?" Her eyes had turned crimson in her outrage.

"Be pissed off all you want. We got a job to do and the sooner we get finished, the sooner I can fuck your brains out." I looked down as I fastened up my pants, "This is my fault for lifting you on the counter. I want you just as badly. But babe, we gotta get Jonas back home and find out what the fuck damage Karrack has done. If he was able to hypnotize Jonas and Violet, who else has he gotten to? Those are clues we need to look for. You see now? This could be some dangerous shit." Explaining further wasn't necessary. She got it.

Jumping down off the counter, her stilettos changed as she touched down, instead of clicking. Smoothing her skirt down, she grinned. "Can we at least bag 'em and tag 'em?" Placing my hand at the small of her back as we walked, I kissed her on top of her head.

"It might be the easiest way to transport him," I replied.

With a sway to her hips as she walked, she looked up at me with devilry in her eyes. "I wanna be the one to knock his ass out then." As my gaze came to rest on Layla, I came to realize what a bloodthirsty little demon of a woman she really is.

With a grin that split my face in two, causing wrinkles to form at the corners of my eyes, I looked straight ahead and casually answered her. "Alright."

And it was done.

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