|28| Weird Drawing

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"(Name)! Where were you?" Yuna ask you.

"Got lost, sorry," you made a quick excuse as you quickly apologize.

"Better now than never. They just finished, we're about to go in, you ready?" Yuna ask and you hesitantly nod, "Alright! Everyone, let's go!" Yuna yells and everyone seemed so fired up but you started to feel nervous again.

When you took a step inside the gym and heard the cheer, you can feel your heartbeat raising, it was louder then the audiences and that scared you. You were shaking.

This was a bad idea... I can't do--- your thoughts stops when someone accidentally bumps into you. You look at the person.

"S-Sorry," it was Alex. She seems really nervous and she was having trouble hiding it. You notice how her hands were shaking and how she was having little trouble walking and keeping her head up. You knew that feeling.

Alex keeps walking but you quickly rush to her side and place a hand on her shoulder. She looks at you and sees you keeping your head up. It took you confidence, you were scared and nervous. You felt like everyone is watching you.

That everyone is excepting you to win this... That terrified you but just like growing up, you were told to alway set an example so seeing Alex like that made you want to be brave to show to her that if you can do it, then so can she.

You place your hand on her shoulder, "Keep your head up. There's nothing to be scared of," you tell her, "Come on," you say as you walk next to her, giving her some confidence. Letting her know that she's not alone.

It gave Alex confidence because she could feel your hands shaking. She knew you were trying to stay strong for yourself and for herself. She now understands why Jia-Li looks up to you.

"Okay," Alex says with confidences.

"Hands!" the twins says to you and Alex.

You both show them your hands. Calynn starts tapping Alex's fingers and Alessia was doing yours. It wasn't too tight nor loose. It was just right and on the fingers you needs it the most. You never really have put on tap before because you didn't really know how but now that the twins do it for you, it feels better.

You're not going to lie, it's a little comfortable but necessary and it doesn't feel too weird.

"How long have you two been doing this?" you ask them.

"Ever since we joined the team. It was mainly because Jen was too lazy to do it herself and got injured," Calynn explains.

"Our mother is a nurse. She showed us a few things while growing up so patching up something like this is easy," Alessia explains with a giggle.

"And we're done!" they both say as they take a step back.

"We're going to go practice our spikes, we don't have much time," Calynn says and you nod.

They both leave to warm up and you look at the nervous second-year, "Alex, take a deep breath. This is just a match. It's nothing. If we lose, that's alright because it doesn't stop here. Tell me, what's the scariest thing you have ever done?" you ask her.

"Swam with sharks on a family trip," Alex answer with a giggle as she was feeling less nervous.

"Alex, if you can do that then you should be able to do this. This is just volleyball, you swam with sharks, something I could never do," you tell her which made her laugh, "Listen, it's alright to feel nervous. I feel nervous all the time. There's nothing wrong with that but take a deep breath and tell yourself twenty seconds. Twenty seconds of confidence. It's all you need and you'll feel great. Trust me," you tell her which made her nod as she keeps her head up.

More Than Enough || Toru Oikawa X ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara