|92| Thank You

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"Stop moving!" Jia-Li complains as Yatomi 'tsk' as he looks the other way and pushes Jia-Li's hand away. He's sitting down, next to a table with makeup and a mirror. Jia-Li standing with a brush as she was doing his makeup. They, as everyone else that's part of the show, are back stage.

Everyone is making sure everything is in place as the show will start in a few minutes. Many are excited and many are nervous and some are both. Jia-Li is confident, excited and just a little nervous but to her it was the good kind of nervous.

"Enough," Yatomi complains as he doesn't like how the make-up feels on his face. He looks at himself in the mirror which is on the table. Just like Jia-Li, he's confident in his looks and knows he's a good looking guy.

It's not that he's disgusted by it, he just hates the smell of it and how it feels on his face.

When Yatomi was young, he watched his older sister put on nail polish on herself and he found it pretty. She noticed and asked if he wanted to put some on and he said sure. He was young and didn't know the consequences of his actions and well, when his father found out, Yatomi got a beating and so did his sister.

After that, Yatomi stayed away from it until he notice how his sister started to wear a lot of makeup. He did wonder why but never asked until he notice how she's been wearing it to cover up some bruises. He asked about it but she just smiled and made some excuse. But now he knew where the bruises come from.

And when he was sixteen, his stepmother who he hated made some moves on him which disgusted him. And his step mother would weak a lot of make-up to make herself look young and she has place her lips on him. Yatomi did push her away and told his father but that just caused him to get slapped across the face.

He doesn't even like the smell of strong perfume.

"Just focus on yourself," Yatomi comments as he looks at Jia-Li who has the right amount of makeup on her face.

Jia-Li looks at herself in the mirror and smile, "Darling, I alway am," Jia-Li says confidently. Her hair is styled in a way which everyone here loves. Half of her hair is held up to a bun with some hair ornaments. It is tied up tightly. The other half is down and loose but behind her shoulder. Some flowers are in her hair to give her some elegance and beauty. She has earrings one and the outfit she made.

Her mother did her hair this morning for the show. And Jia-Li learned a little bit which is how she was able to do the others actors hair. Some are wearing wigs. 

"My dad is going to kill me when he sees the make-up on my face," Yatomi comments as he leans back on his chair, already accepting that it's going to happen.

"He's here?" Jia-Li ask him as she looks at him.

"Of course he is," Yatomi answers as he looks at her, "The press are here. With what's going on with your sister and how she goes to my school, he's going to show up and put on an act of 'I'm a kind Mayor who cares about everything that's going on' when in reality he just want to look good in the camera so that he would be voted as Mayor again as he does have a plan to became the president in a few years. He came to support your sister and to look like a good father," Yatomi complains as he knows that he's going to have to put on the act of a good son.

"Well, this going to be awkward," Jia-Li says as she did not plan on his father showing up today.

"What is?" Yatomi ask.

"Have your father noticed that your sister changed hospitals?" Jia-Li ask, avoiding his question.

"He was never paying to begin with," Yatomi mentions as it was his allowance he was using to pay for his sister treatment, "If he cares, he would have put my sister in a nut house but because of the publicity, he just says that my sister id somewhere around the world, enjoying life and shit," Yatomi crosses his arms, "So to answer your question, "Yes, he knows but couldn't care less."

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