|43| Ten Minutes

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"Hey, Toru, isn't that (Name)'s little sister?" Anna ask him as she gently pulls on his sleeve while pointing at Jia-Li who's heading out of the school. "We can ask her which hospital (Name) is at to go see her and check if she's okay," Anna suggest.

"Yeah, it is," he say, "Hey! Jia!" Oikawa yells, getting her attention as he runs up to her. Anna follows behind him.

You see, when Anna got into the school, she checked the classrooms and teacher lounge for you and Iwaizumi. She looked everywhere and cursed under her breath when she couldn't find either of you. Your bags weren't even there.

Oikawa asked her what was wrong and why she seems so angry or shaken up. Anna calms herself down and puts an act. She looks at him and smile. She told him how she's looking for something that means a lot to her. And when Anna knew for sure that you and Iwaizumi weren't here and to see Ena, as Anna quickly got message of what happened, she grab something from her bag and lied to Oikawa by telling him that this was what she was looking for.

But as Oikawa was following Ana around, he noticed how you and Iwaizumi weren't there either. He even mentions it which made Anna smile, thinking she could take advantage of this. She says something like how it's weird that you said you were suppose to be here but that you aren't. Same thing with Iwaizumi.

Anna even suggested calling you and asking you where she is as she want to know where if you actually took Iwaizumi to Ena. Oikawa takes out his phone and gives you a call. You answered as he puts it on speaker.

Oikawa asked you where you were as he explains the situation, how he and Anna went back to school to get something and not being able to find you or Iwaizumi. You end up telling him that you were being careless and fell. 

You told him that you hurt your ankle and Iwaizumi helped you to see the nurse who suggested going to the hospital and that's where you and Iwaizumi are headed right now.

Anna didn't buy it but Oikawa did. He believed you. He told you that he hopes everything is okay and you told him that he's sweet for caring about you. You both said your goodbyes and Oikawa tells Anna that there wasn't much to worry as he knows that you're in good hands. He trust Iwaizumi.

Anna then sees Jia-Li and knows how close you and your sister are from Oikawa. So she had this idea to reveal the truth that you are indeed not in the hospital.

She was going to use your sister.

"Oikawa?" Jia-Li says as Oikawa stand in front of her and then she notices Anna, "Anna," your sister says with no tone of respect in her voice which pissed Anna off.

"Jia, do you know what hos---"

"Do you know where your sister is?" Anna ask as she interrupts Oikawa.

"Yeah, at the hospital," Jia-Li says with a smile as she crosses her arms while making eye contact with Anna.

Anna gets angrier but now she knows that you're smarter than she gives credits, "Do you know which hospital?" Anna ask which made your sister chuckle.

"She's at *** Hospital, at the hospital that my aunt works at. She's going to go see her because of her ankle. She was being a. little careless and Iwaizumi is taking her there as I'm a little busy," Jia-Li says which made Anna want to hit your sister because she thought that your sister would have given you away but instead, she just made Oikawa trust for you grow.

"Now, excuse me," Jia-Li says and then leaves. Anna watches her walk away and take out her phone, as if she's sending a message and that's how Anna knew that you informed your sister about the lie right after the call.

"We should go see her," Anna says with a smile as she wasn't going to let you win, "She's your girlfriend, we should make sure she's okay," Anna suggest.

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