|67| She remembers

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"She's upstairs, sleeping on my bed," Toru tells your father as he has just arrived .

"Thank you," your father says as he steps inside and heads to the second floor. He walks down the halls and finds Toru's room. He walks in and sees you sleeping peacefully with music being played. You look peaceful and calm which honestly scared your father.

It scares him because of the times he has seen you rest in the hospital. Your father gently touches your forehead and then he looks to the door to see Toru standing there. Your father walks to him, "Can we talk downstairs?" your father ask in a whisper and Toru nods.

They both head downstairs and Toru offered your father a drink to which your father said no to as he wasn't going to stay long. Just wanted to ask a few questions. "(Name) can sometimes have the worst hearing the world however, when she's sleeping, she can have the best hearing in the worst moments so it's best to talk down here instead in the halls upstairs," your father explains.

"Um, sure," Toru nods.

"Can I ask what you two were doing?" your father ask which got Toru anxious. "And start from the beginning please," your father ask.

"Well, um..." Toru doesn't really know how to because there's no rule book or explanation on how to tell your girlfriend's father that you were making out with his daughter and then cause them to have a panic attack.

Your father notice the anxious expression, "(Name) said she was going to hug out with you, Hajime and Ena. And if you two were making out or something like that, just saying it. It's fine. You're both eighteen and adults. As long it's consensual and safe," your father tells him as he wants this to go quick.

"We were with Iwa and Ena and then Ena asked Iwa if she could go o his place to which he said yes to because his mother was making her favourite," Toru decides to explain and say things honestly but not tell the full story as it's just awkward but he will be needing to explain why you panicked.

He continues, "(Name) asked to come over as well. I said sure and then we headed to my room where we put our things. And then I went to get us some drinks and snacks but then I went back to my room with the drinks..."

"What happened?" your father asked as he crosses his arms worriedly.

"She was playing on my keyboard piano," Toru answers.

"Do you know the song?" he ask and Toru nods as he remembers.

"I don't remember the name but I think she said Experience or something," Toru says as he wasn't sure but he knows he heard the word Experience.

"By Ludovico Einaudi?" your father ask as he wonders if the name is familiar to your boyfriend.

"Yes, that's the one," Toru says which cause your father to inhale in a way that shows that's he's incredibly worried. Toru noticed but he continues, "She played it really well but then suddenly stopped. I asker her why, wondering maybe she doesn't remember the rest but she told it's because the song makes her feel uneasy," Toru tells him and your father looses his arms.

"Did she explain why?" your father ask.

"She said that when she was thirteen, she was learning this song along with another for Jia-Li's modern dancing solo performance. She was at her uncle's restaurant and on her break, she went out t listen to the song and practice. It was going great but the memory stopped there. She told me that she doesn't remember what happened next. Just that she has this uncomfortable feeling. She doesn't like the song," Toru explains as best and shortly as he can.

Your father clenches his fist as he tries to look calm. Toru wonder if maybe he knew a part of the story that you didn't and if there was a chance your father would tell him but he didn't, "What happened after?" your father ask.

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