New feelings.

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Oh we go.

Hanji patted me on the back and pushed me with great force towards the guard. I clumsily stumbled forward, making me spill a little of the drink I was holding.

Damn you, woman!

After gently setting the glass down on a nearby table ,I sent the bespectacled woman a nasty glare before averting my gaze towards the guard again.

"You are requested by the King." He stated formally.


Taking a deep breath, I straightened my back and made my way over to Erwin and Levi, placing myself between the two.

"Sire, as you requested I brought our newest recruit. She is the one that comes from another world." Erwin introduced as I bowed my head a little as some form of greeting.

I flinched a little as a strong smell of medicine entered my nosetrils and I surpressed the urge to scrunch up my nose in disgust.
Directing my gaze towards the King, I noticed the glazed look in his eyes.

He's just staring infront of him. Does he even realise he is alive?

His entourage however, carefully eyed me up and down with squinted eyes. One man even came a little closer to see my back...or more specific my ass.

Just when I was about throw hands Levi cleared his throat and walked towards the man, blocking his vision. The man seemed taken shocked but didn't dare start something with humanities strongest.

"Your full name?" One old, bald man asked after the inspection.

"(Y/n) (L/N)." I answered.

He hummed in return and put a finger under his chin. I absolutely detested the feeling of being investigated and I dug my nails deep into the palms of my hands.

It seemed they were only assessing me for how I looked instead of asking me about my skills and knowledge.

I slightly turned my head towards Levi, hoping he would give me some sort of support but looked back when the bald man spoke.

"Has she really been useful?" His question now directed to the Commander.

"Very. We are currently developing new weaponary that she created and (Y/n) even went on a mission outside the walls, slaying numerous titans. The reports from last expedition are proof of that. I assume our majesty has read them?"

A small smirk formed in the corner of my mouth as the old man growled lowly, raising his voice a little in hope of showing some more authority.

You are barking up the wrong tree, buddy.

Erwin had probably also noticed the state of the King and questioned wether it was him or his entourage that decided things around here.

"Ofcourse he has Commander. I just did not expect a woman to show up. When you spoke of a soldier that was almost equally skilled as Ackerman here I almost expected it to be a man."

That remark made me boil inside as I tried taking some deep breaths in and out to calm myself before doing some things I may regret.

Erwin opened his mouth to speak again but bald-head rose his hand, making him shut his mouth.

"I have no intention of arguing right now. The King still sees you as a threat. You have been proven useful. With your new technology and inventions I am sure we will move forward."

"I am not a threat!" I blurted out, nearly yelling before Levi swiftly moved to my side and put a hand on my shoulder. I took a step forward, seeing the guards around them place their hands around the grip of their swords.

The minions of the King were clearly displeased at my behaviour but I didn't care.

I wasn't going to let them disrespect me like this.


"Well, try me!"

Before things escalated more, a sudden voice extinguished the raging fire that burned in my heart.


Levi's soft lips nearly touched the helix of my ear as the wave of his breath sent a shiver down my spine. I grunted when the grip on my shoulder tightened but eventualy nodded in agreement.

The Captain let go of my shoulder and took a step back, crossing his arms.

My fingers still trembled out of anger but I decided to keep my mouth shut for the time being.

Bald-head clearly had enough of this conversation and pointed towards Hanji who had stuffed her mouth with grapes, making me internally facepalm. She raised her eyebrows in surprise and lifted up her hand to say 'hi'.

"Squad-leader Zoe told me your little..portal...will be finished in two weeks. I expect you to be gone by then."

"Only two weeks?" I pleaded as they turned around and focused back on their precious King.

It was no use.

The decision had been made.

Erwin patted me on the shoulder, signaling it was over. My eyes darted towards him in pure disbelief but the commander only nodded before heading towards some drunk men who gestured him to come over.

"I have some other business to attend to here. Please wait for my return." He stated, leaving me and Levi behind.

I was still too wound up about the whole situation ,frustrated that they wouldn't even let me speak for myself.

"Two weeks..." The Captain sighed and rested both his hands on his hips. I darted my eyes at him. Levi seemed deep in thought because of this new information.

"I don't like it either... Can't we just go home?" I asked while already knowing the answer.

"Not likely." He answered, gesturing me with his left hand to come closer.

Levi looked nervous as I carefully approached him but didn't even look in my direction one second. He only stared towards the numerous dancing couples on the dancefloor.

"To be honest." He started. "I don't like the thought of you leaving brat."

My eyes widened while I kept my gaze on the Captain.

I felt like every ounce of breath was taken away from my lungs. My hands started getting sweaty and time slowed down when I realised the meaning behind his words.

"Cap...Levi..." I tried answering but...

I couldn't...

Instead I directed my attention towards the waltzing men and women too. They all looked so gracefull and content. Gowns in all colours, jewelry glinstering in the descending sun, mesmerizing music ,...

Truly a sight to behold.

"Beautiful..." I whispered, my mouth slightly open because I had never seen something like this before.

"...Yeah..." The Captain answered.

But (Y/n) didn't know that Levi wasn't looking at the dancing people anymore.

He was looking at you.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now