My Last Journey

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(Your POV - 8:57 PM)

At the moment I was casually sitting on an old bench in a nearby park, contemplating all of my life decisions since there was nothing else to do.

The usual laughter of playing children and chattering parents had already faded away along with the shining light of day.  A few streetlights alluminated the area, allowing me to have a perfect view over the boarded-up entrance of the subway station across the street. The place had been abandoned for about 3 years now, so a lot of people bared it no mind as they walked by.

It was a perfect spot for secret tunnels.

Mindlessly chewing on a piece of gum, I inhaled the cool evening air, picking up the faint scent of a hotdog-stand a little further away. The snow had also stopped ,leaving its wet residue on the streets but sadly the cold stubbornly remained.

Stretching out my legs, I spotted two doves landing on a treebranch next to me. I watched as they snuggled up against eachother in order to keep warm. Soft cooing, indicating their happiness and love they felt for one another.

I wonder what that's like.

What it would be like to have someone that keeps you warm on even the coldest winter nights.
Ever since meeting that stoic Captain, my body almost ached for his touch...his affection...or even just a simple glance.

The sudden soft buzzing of the pager made me jump in surprise and after fishing it out of my backpocket, only three letters appeared on the little screen.


Trying to act as normal as possible I wiped some non-excistent dirt from my pants and stood up. Pulling my hoodie over my head, I walked over to the old entrance, leading to the underground subway.

Thankfully, there weren't alot of people around at this hour.

Grafitti-drawings filled with all kinds of creative cursewords , were scattered all over the worn-out wood. Right in front of that stood a large iron fence, probably to ensure no unwanted visitors could ever trespass.

If that didn't make matters more difficult, there was also a giant padlock, holding the heavy chains surrounding the metal bars together.

I rolled my eyes before giving it a few swift kicks with my foot, breaking it easily.  After a glance left and right I moved over to the wooden boards. Loud cracking noises echoeing throughout the streets as I pulled them off one by one.

The moment I had enough space to crawl through, the smell of mold flowed into my nose. Pressing my lips together I began my descend down the stairs. With each step I took it became colder and colder to the point where I even started to shiver a little.

Once down I followed the arrows and eventually arrived at platform 4.

It was dark but if I concentrated enough, I could still feel the trembling of the driving cars above me. Occasionally a cloud of dust would fall from the ceiling, landing right on my head and shoulders. Thankfully, I never really cared about getting dirty so I just continued my way towards my destination.

Jumping off the platform I followed the tracks, the shadows of the subway now completely engulfing me. In order to scare away that darkness, I pulled out a small but bright flashlight as I searched for a small tunnel, hidden in the concrete walls.

"Gotcha..." I whispered, turning off the light as I went on my hands and knees to crawl. In order to get completely through the narrow space I had to squirm a little ,hoping it wouldn't trigger my light claustrophobia.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now