Never letting go.

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In the middle of a forest...somewhere in another dimension...a person in full ODM-gear was riding on a beautiful black horse, clenching the reins so tight between their sore fingers, that their skin nearly tore apart.

It was obvious that they were in a hurry ,making the steed go even faster, jumping over fallen logs and taking sharp turns left and right in order to meet someone they longed to see.

A deep-green hooded cloak helped them conceal their identity for others while the cotton fabric excitedly danced in the blowing wind, almost resembling the steady waves of the ocean.

Sweat mixed with strange black blood trickled down their forehead as they eventually wiped some of it away with their sleeve.

They were determined.


(Your POV)

Whenever I rode on horseback I felt free.

Free of all worries.

Free of all problems.

Lifting my chin up into the fresh air of the forest, I could see the sun shimmering through the green leaves of the trees.

The sight made me feel nostalgic as I remembered doing the exact same thing after crashing my portal here for the first time.
Pouting on that boulder like a child while seeing the rustling leaves sent beams of light down upon me.

I couldn't help but smile as I adjusted myself a little better in the leather saddle.
Averting my gaze away from the trees and taking in a deep breath, I relaxed my shoulders.

Refusing to let the fear overwhelm me because it would only interfere with my goal, I encouraged the black steed to run a little faster.

Her hooves, forcefully stomping against the rain-soaked ground, chasing away rabbits, deers and birds, clearing the path towards Trost district for us.

A nasty whiff of NightCrawler residue made me scrunch up my nose.

That's what I get for killing about 36 of them in one go.

Three of them did manage to take a bite out of my leg and arm before I got the chance to cast them back to hell. The bleeding had stopped leaving behind an annoying ,stinging pain remaining.

Thanks for the souvenir.

You could say the killing was kinda programmed inside me.
If you wanted to be a high-ranking Traveler you had to start out really young. They would run physical and mental tests on you before you could proceed to the next stage. The most difficult, messed-up stage.

Only thinking about it sent shivers through my spine.

24/7 they would show gruesome videos of NightCrawlers, ripping people apart, tearing their limbs off and feasting on their flesh. All this while torturing you close to death.
This horrible but highly-effective 'conditioning' would eventually result in you turning into a mercyless killing-machine whenever one of those monsters would cross your path.

Shaking my head from the random memory of my past ,I squinted my eyes to see the distant houses of Trost behind the gate.

Looking down upon myself I frowned, concealing my body with the cloak a little more to hide the ODM-gear as good as possible.

Thankfully, the gates were open and after entering I was welcomed by the busy city of Trost. In the very center of the marketplace, crowds of people were pushing eachother aside in order to retrieve these weird packages from the Military Police.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now