Chapter 3 Mary Ann

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Wendy's Wonderland Chapter 3

[After barely escaping the clutches of the ditsy pair of Ditzy Dee and Ditzy Dum, Lisanna and Yukino, Wendy was now back on her search for the White Rabbit, Mirajane. (A search that would reveal that not all bunnies are as cute and innocent as they appear to be)]

"Ugh! Stupid diaper!" Wendy groaned. During her encounter with Dee and Dum, the two had managed to remove Wendy's panties, and forced her into a short blue dress that did little to hide the diaper they forced her to wear. With each step she took, the diaper made distinctly loud noises.

As she walked along, the blue haired child suddenly came across a small house in a small clearing of the woods. The house was relatively small and simple. A small cottage with white walls, a few windows, a small chimney, and a pink roof, it looked like a nice, peaceful place to live in. Especially considering how weird, bizarre and murderous Wonderland was.

"Huh........... Who lives here?" Wendy asked as she passed through a small pink gate door with a hear-shaped piece cut out.

"Mary Ann! Mary Ann!" up on the second roof, a set of windows opened up and Mirajane's head poked out. "Mary Ann!"

"Mira!" Wendy exclaimed. "Down here! It's me, Wendy!"

Instead of answering her, however, Mira simply closed the doors and ran downstairs.

"No! I can't wait! Oh my oh me! Oh my oh me!" Mira cried as she ran past Wendy and was about to run off again.

"Not again~!" Wendy groaned as Mira hopped over the gate to her house. "Mira, wait! I've been looking for-"

For the first time ever since Wendy arrived in Wonderland, Mirajane stopped and went back. Poking her head out from behind the gate, the white haired bunny girl squinted to take a closer look at Wendy.

"Why, Mary Ann, what're you doing out here?" Mira asked as she walked back towards Wendy.

"Mary Ann?" Wendy gave Mira a confused look. "No. My name is Wendy! I-"

"No time to waste. You know I don't like it when you're out of the house it's dangerous to be out there young lady you could have been killed what were you thinking!" Mira lectured Wendy as she hoisted her up, cradled her in her arms, and carried her back into the house.

"Wait! Hold on! Put me down!"


The inside Mirajane's house was just as cute and simple as the outside. With a red wooden floor, soft pink rug, white walls, and pink furniture, the place looked relatively normal. The only thing Wendy found odd were the portraits hanging on the walls of Mirajane doing exotic and suggestive poses in skimpy outfits and of course a 5 foot tall knife with the inscription Mary Ann Must Die

'Is this world's version of Mirajane a...............?' Wendy asked in her mind as she stared at the perverted photos and more importantly the knife that basically implied her death. "I mean, if she were, that wouldn't make her all that different from ours....'"

"Do you have any idea how worried I was about you, Mary Ann?" Mira lectured Wendy as she carried Wendy over to the couch and sat down, sitting Wendy down on her lap.

"Mira. Please, listen." Wendy said. "I don't know what's going on here, or why people here are acting weird, but-"


"Oh, you were playing with the Ditzy girls, and they tried to kill you, it's ok baby tell mommy all about it While I check to see if they hurt my little Mary Ann" she said trying to distract her

"Eep! What're you doing?!" Wendy shrieked, her face bright red.

(Mira had tried and failed to put Wendy in a trance but there is alway more than one way to skin a cat)

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