Chapter 5 The tea party

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"...... All right, this should be the place....." Wendy soon came across a small cottage with a yellow roof made of straw. From behind it, she could hear music and singing playing in the backyard.

"Here goes nothing......" Wendy walked to the side of the house and walked through the gate leading into the backyard.


"🎵The queen has given a challenge to us!

To who?

To us!

Yes us!

The queen has given a challenge to us!

Who us!

Yes, us!

Let's us all kill Alice and then celebrate with a cup of her blood !

A very merry death day to you 🎵"
(Wendy walking in on the last line)

At one end of a very long table, which was full of several teapots and teacups, Wendy spotted two women drinking tea and having a fun time. On the right, she saw a woman with dark blue hair, light peachy skin, warm blue eyes, large breasts, curvy hips, and a small waist. She wore a low neck, green and yellow Lolita dress with white frills, white stockings, green shoes, and a green top hat.

The other woman had tan skin, dark brunette hair, chocolaty brown eyes, and equally curvy hourglass figure. She wore a brown bunny girl leotard, a small red coat, fishnet leggings, high heels, and small fluffy bunny tail. On top of her head, two long brown bunny ears flopped around.

"Juvia?......... Cana?....... You girls are the Mad Hatter and the March Hare?" Wendy squinted her eyes, and recognized her two friends and guild mates. When the two turned to look at Wendy, who had sat down at the other end of the table, their eyes widened.

"No, no, no! No room. No room. No room. No room."

"No Room. No room. No room. No room." The two exclaimed as they ran over to the other end of the long table, occasionally tripping over each other.

"What're you talking about? There's plenty of room here." Wendy looked around, seeing dozens of empty chairs around the table.

"Ah, but it's rude to sit down without being invited, Silly Willy~." Cana wagged her finger in front of Wendy's face.

"I'll say it's rude. It's very, very rude indeed." Juvia nodded her head.

'Oh, I wonder if this world's version of Juvia refers to herself in third-person too?' Wendy thought to herself.

In a teapot nearby, a tiny mouse climbed out of the teapot nozzle and shook the tiny drops of tea off her. It was a tiny mouse, no bigger than a few inches, with dark green fur, a tiny snout, and a thin tail. She wore a pink shirt under a peach colored vest, and a tiny, dark brown skirt. On top of her head, she wore a tiny cute orange cowgirl hat.

"Hey, Wendy! Check it out!" Asuka smiled and cheered. "I'm playing the Dormouse in this chapter! (She said breaking the fourth wall) Tee hee!" she scurried off to a plate of cheese blocks, grabbed a cheese block several times bigger than her, and began munching on it.

"Well, It's just I enjoyed your singing, so....." Wendy trailed off.

"Come on," Cana hoisted Wendy up and carried her to another chair, "I've got just the perfect seat for you."

A few minutes later, Wendy was latched down in a high chair between Juvia and Cana, her arms pinned down to her sides by the tray.

"Now, you must have acup of tea~." Cana cooed as she grabbed something from behind her back and brought it up to Wendy's lips. The item she held in her hand was a baby bottle full of tea.

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